1.Disputes of the Cemetery of Geomantic Omen often induce the program of trial on appeal and usually lasting out many years in Southern Song Dynasty.南宋社会中围绕风水坟地产生的诉讼常常启动当时司法审判中的上诉审程序,动辄经年累月。
2.As a special principle in trial of second instance, no additional punishment resulting from appeal has its particular law value and is widely accepted and adopted by most countries in the world.上诉不加刑是第二审程序中的一项特殊原则,因其特殊的法学价值,先后被世界上大多数国家所接受和采用。

1.a written appeal shall be submitted in making an appeal.上诉应当递交上诉状。
2.The time limit for appeal and the competent appellant court.上诉期间和上诉的法院。
3.To make or apply for an appeal.上诉,申诉进行或申请上诉
4.an action, appeal that will not lie不能受理的诉讼、 上诉.
5.The party that appeals is known as the" appellant"; the other party is the" appellee.上诉的一方被称为上诉人,对方就是被上诉人。
6.The court of appeal is divided into the civil division and the criminal division.上诉法院分成民事上诉庭和刑事上诉庭。
7.We represent either the appellant (the appealing party) or the appellee (the responding party).我行既可以代表上诉人提出上诉,也可以代表被上诉人应对上诉
8.Appeal Board (Land Acquisition)上诉局(土地征用)
9.Article 17 Appellate Review第17条 上诉审议
10.Notification to Appellant of Result of his Appeal致上诉人的上诉结果通知
11.The Appellate Body shall hear appeals from panel cases.上诉机构应审理专家组案件的上诉
12.Appeal court or court of appeal上诉法院,受理上诉的法院
13.The most special of it lies in that the appellee will still institute incidental appeal if the deadline for apellee? appeal expires, if the appelle give up appeal or retract it.其最特殊之处在于,被上诉人在上诉期间己满或舍弃上诉或撤回上诉后,仍可提起附带上诉
14.Incidental appeal refers to the special appeal instituted by the appellee who is attached to the procedure for appeal, after one party (to a lawsuit) appealing to a higher court.附带上诉是指当事人一方上诉后,被上诉人依附于该上诉程序而提起的特殊上诉
15.He lost his appeal for damages against the company .他提出上诉向该公司索赔,但败诉了。
16.The accused has the right to appeal to a higher court and the right of petition.被告人有上诉权和申诉权。
17.The bill propose that any party to the proceeding may appeal.议案建议诉讼任何一方都可以上诉
18.The Modern Transformation of Right of Action and the Protection of Civil Right of Action;诉权的现代转型与民事上诉权之保障

3)complaint online网上投诉
1.The justice and efficiency of the civil appeals system is directly connected to the realization of the civil proceedings purposes.民事上诉审程序是民事诉讼制度不可或缺的组成部分,其不仅是对当事人权利义务的最终确定,更担负着统一法律适用的重要使命。
2.As one of the most important sectors in Civil Procedure, the Civil AppealSystem in respect of its structure and operation has a great impact on theeffectiveness and efficiency of the entire system of civil procedure.民事上诉审制度作为民事诉讼程序的一个重要的环节其设置与运行适当与否决定着整个民事诉讼制度的成效。
3.The appeal system, which is the system where the superior court reviews the judgment made by the subordinate court that hasn t taken effect upon the claim of the appellant, has become one of the basic litigation systems around the world to achieve the judicial justice.上诉审是指上级法院对下级法院已作裁判、尚未生效的案件,根据上诉人的上诉,再行审理的一种制度。
5)standing appellate body上诉机关
6)Appellate Body上诉机构
1.The Position of Report of Panel/Appellate Body in WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism;论专家组和上诉机构报告在WTO争端解决机制中的地位
2., especially in ,the efficiency of its interpretations and appellate body`s report.WTO争端解决机制是国际法领域的重要创新,其专家组程序与上诉机制比较充分的保证了争端解决机制的功能和作用,但实践中也逐渐暴露出自身存在的一些不足之处,尤其反映在是否要赋予上诉机构发回重审权,其解释的效力与报告的效力等方面,研究这些问题对未来DSU修改草案中如何完善上诉机制有重要意义,也有助于我们更好的利用争端解决机制处理缔约方之间的纠纷。
3.Absence of a remand procedure in Dispute Settlement of World Trade Organization causes a dilemma in practice-When the Appellate Body overrules a panel, should it decide the case for itself or let the panel re-examine the case? The Appellate Body has developded a skill of completing the analysis.这导致上诉机构在实践中面临一个难题:当上诉机构驳回专家组的裁决后,上诉机构是应该自行审判还是让专家组进行重审?对此,上诉机构在实践中往往采取被称为“完善分析”的方法。
