1.The Study on Several Questions about Execution Socialization Imprisonment;监狱行刑社会化若干问题研究
2.Economy of execution is not the same thing as the economy of penalty and the benefit of execution and the saving of execution.行刑经济与刑罚经济、行刑效益、行刑节俭并不是相同的概念,行刑公正应该是行刑经济的当然内涵。

1.One who executes, especially one who puts a condemned person to death.行刑人执行者,特指死刑执行者
2.This is my one chance to go before the firing squad and plead for a stay of execution.这是我最后的机会 在行刑队动刑前申请缓刑
3.We realize the principle through the stages of formulating penalty, estimating penalty and executing penalty.其实现需通过对制刑、量刑、行刑阶段的全面规范。
4.The Crown Court deals with criminal trails on indictment.皇家刑事法庭根据起诉进行刑事审判.
5.Then three were tied to the pillar for execution.接着有三个人被捆在刑柱上准备行刑
6.Research on System of Prison Execution in the View of Criminal Policy;刑事政策视野下的监狱行刑制度研究
7.The "Ultima Ratio of Penalty" and Present Criminal Legislation;论刑法的谦抑性与我国现行刑事立法
8.They extorted a confession from him by torture.他们对他进行刑讯逼供。
9.It was frequently required before execution.它经常在行刑前使用。
10."I shall be there before the commencement."“行刑开始之前我准到。”
11.Suspended death sentences in China are often commuted to time in prison.在中国,死刑缓期执行通常会转为徒刑。
12.On the Stipulation of Fine Penalty Reducing or Remitting in Criminal Law;试评我国刑法罚金刑执行减免之规定
13.consecutive sentence of imprisonment分期执行的监禁刑期
14.There was a clearing up of the penal code;它对刑法典进行了清理;
15.five executions last year去年执行的五起死刑.
16.Executions used to be held in public.死刑过去常常当众执行。
17.a crime so serious that capital punishment is considered appropriate.足以判处死刑的罪行。
18.The judge stayed the execution order.法官判暂缓执行死刑。

3)administrative criminal law行政刑法
1.On the characteristics and the concept of administrative criminal law;论行政刑法的性质和概念
2.Analysis of the adjustment of administrative criminal law to sports medium;试析行政刑法对体育中介的调整
4)criminal execution刑事执行
1.Court in the Field of Criminal Execution: The Analysis of the Power and Function;刑事执行场域中的法院:权力与功能的分析
5)execution of punishment刑罚执行
1.Parole,as an execution of punishment system of long history,has profound theoretical elements,which is the expression of subjectivism,doctrine of special defence,educational theory of modern school criminal affairs in the execution of punishment system.假释是一项历史悠久的刑罚执行制度,它有着深厚的理论底蕴,是刑事近代学派主观主义、特别预防主义、教育刑理论在刑罚执行制度上的体现。
2.But as an activity of the execution of punishment,it is strongly comprehensive.社区矫正作为一项刑罚执行活动,是一项综合性很强的活动。
3.From 1850s to modern times, there has been great progress in the concept of execution of punishment, which is the prison, is no longer a place just for detention and punishment, but a one for rehabilitating offenders, and the society also play an increasingly important role in culprits’reintegration.刑罚执行是实现刑罚目的,使整个刑法体系得以稳固的重要因素。
6)penalty execution刑罚执行
1.Issues such as render- ing meritorious service in measuring penalty and classification of meritorious services in penalty execution,classifica- tion of meritorious services of surrendering criminal and non-surrendering criminal,and classification of common meritorious service and major meritorious service and other types are discussed.立功种类可以根据不同的标准做出不同的分类,探讨刑罚裁量中的立功与刑罚执行中的立功划分问题、自首犯的立功与非自首犯的立功划分问题、一般立功与重大立功划分问题以及立功的其它分类形式。
2.The current penalty execution system in China has certain defects,which greatly affects the efficacy of penalty execution and is not conductive to the realization of crime prevention.我国现行的刑罚执行制度存在的缺陷,已经在很大程度上影响了刑罚执行的效果,不利于刑罚预防犯罪目的的实现。
3.This thesis with effecting penalty purpose and protecting human rights of criminals as starting point,beginning with basic theory of penalty execution supervision,expounds the necessity of establishing concrete penalty execution supervision legal system in China and its status in the whole jurisprudence.刑罚执行是刑事诉讼最后阶段,也是实现公平正义的最后保障。
