1.A Comparision of the Engagement in Mainland and Taiwan;海峡两岸婚约制度之比较
2.Thoughts about the Feasibility to Build the Engagement System in China对构建我国婚约制度可行性的思考

1.The wedding/engagement is off.婚礼[婚约]取消了.
2.On the regulation of wedding engagement;论婚约制度——兼谈我国婚约问题的规制
3.Permission or a promise, especially a pledge to wed.允许或答应,尤指婚约
4."And will you sign the contract?"“您会在婚约上签名吗?”
5.She has spilt the beans about your engagement.她泄漏了你的婚约
6.He absolved her from the marriage contract他解除了她的婚约
7.They've broken off their engagement/broken it off.他们已经解除了婚约.
8.He broke off his engagement to her.他和她解除了婚约
9.He's broken off his engagement to Jenny.他已同詹妮解除了婚约
10.Did you think I'd break our engagement?你以为我要解除婚约吗?
11.I've broken off my engagement我已解除了我的婚约
12.She had contracted a most unsuitable marriage.她订下的婚约极不匹配.
13.Such marriages may be post-registered or dissolved.这些婚约可补办登记或办理解除婚约手续。
14.become an ally or associate, as by a treaty or marriage.凭条约或婚约结成同盟或联合。
15.a marriage feast, settlement婚宴、 结婚授产契约
16.She's engaged married to John.她和约翰订婚 结婚了。
17.Convention on Celebration and Recognition of the Validity of Marriages结婚仪式及承认婚姻有效公约
18.On the "Net Marriage" problem from the angle of marriage contract theory从婚姻契约论角度谈“网婚”问题

1.As the cancellation of affiance,the betrothal gifts should be returned.婚约彩礼是附有解除条件的赠与,随着男女双方当事人婚约的解除,彩礼也应返还。
2.The reliance interest loss of the adversary should be paid for when the client terminates the affiance without reasonable ground or his negligent act leads to the break of affiance.婚约本质上是一种关于身份关系的预约,基于此种属性,它能对当事人产生相应的法律约束力,但不能强制当事人履行,在一方当事人无正当理由解除婚约或因己方过错致使对方解除婚约时,应赔偿对方当事人的信赖利益损失。
3)marriage contract婚约
1.The study on child bride,marriage contract,betrothal money and the right of divorce in the Old Babylonian period indicates that the study on the marital customs requires that the concerned clauses of Hammurabi Laws and marital documents complement and verify each .童养媳、婚约、聘金以及离婚权等问题的研究表明 ,只有将《汉穆拉比法典》有关婚姻的条款与古巴比伦时期的婚姻文献相结合 ,才能研究古巴比伦时期的婚姻习俗问题。
2.As an antique system, marriage contract is widespread in countries in the world.婚约也称订婚,是指男女双方以日后缔结婚姻为目的而对其婚姻关系所作的事先约定。
3.Nowadays the judicial organ can\'t solve a series of difficult problems such as the legal effect of marriage contract,recognition of action subjects,the bride-price attribution,damages,liability issues,and many other specific provisions of marriage contract,which is virtually a gap in Marriage Law of the People\'s Republic of China.法律对婚约之效力、诉讼主体的确认、彩礼归属、损害赔偿、责任承担等诸多具体问题的规定几乎空白,成为司法机关无力解决的一系列难题,往往出现同案不同判的严重现象,且当事人的合法权益也得不到保障。
5)marriage contract婚姻契约
1.In marriage contract,the traditional male control of the female at will hindered the healthy development of the relation between the two sexes.在婚姻契约中男性任意支配女性的传统和行为,阻碍了两性关系的发展。
2.On the base of defining the nature of marriage,this paper defines the duality of marriage contract.文章在界定婚姻本质的基础上界定了婚姻契约的二重性,认为“婚姻契约”在中文语境中至少有两个层面的含义:现实的婚姻契约,即作为一种法律文本的婚姻契约,是当事人在缔结婚姻的过程中达成的合意,从而达致的婚姻契约化;观念上的婚姻契约,即作为一种类比意义上的用法,仅仅作为学理分析之用,而现实中的婚姻当事人并不缔结什么契约。
3." Marriage Law " manifest the concept of marriage contract fully from the spirit of the legislation, although the contract theory is not explained as the general theory clearly in our country’s textbooks.契约说是西方国家首先提出来的,随着时代的发展,这一学说被越来越多的国家所接受,在我国相关的法学教科书中虽没有明确阐释契约说是通说,但是从《婚姻法》的立法精神上充分体现婚姻契约这一理念。
6)Jewish Marriage Contract犹太婚约
