1.Studies on the Documents of the Slave Sale in Mesopotamia in the Old Babylonian Period;古巴比伦时期两河流域地区奴隶买卖文献研究
2.A remarkable and the most important aspect of social development in the British Chesapeake colonies of North America was the growth of a dominant slaveholding class.在英属殖民地时期,北美切萨皮克地区社会发展的一个重要方面是奴隶主群体的成长。
3.It is considered that the author described the image of the "ghost" from enthusiasm to self-examination in revolution,from submissive to rebellious as a "slave",based on his own life experiences.分析了徐訏《鬼恋》的创作特点,认为作者从自我的人生体验出发,描写了"鬼"的形象经历了由革命的激情到革命的反思,由"奴隶"的顺从到"奴隶"的反抗的发展过程,从而深刻地揭示了人的存在意义和价值。

1.slave labour, owners奴隶的劳动、 奴隶主.
2.Servus vicarius奴隶特有产中的奴隶
3.The slaves rebelled against their masters.奴隶们奋起反抗奴隶主。
4.Slaves produced slave children.奴隶生的孩子是奴隶
5.Three Little Slaves and Slave Agency and Slave Series;三个“小奴隶”与“奴隶社”及奴隶丛书
6.To make into or as if into a slave.使成为奴隶使成为奴隶或使变得象奴隶一样
7.The Dying Slave垂死的奴隶(雕塑)
8.a person who is not a serf or a slave.不是农奴或奴隶的人。
9.Advocating the practice of slavery.赞成奴隶制的提倡实行奴隶制的
10.Slaver used to ship slaves from Africa to America.奴隶贩子过去把奴隶由非洲运到美洲。
11.He redeemed the slaves from the control of the owner.他从奴隶主那里把这些奴隶赎了回来。
12.The slaves got freedom after the abolition of slavery.奴隶制废除以后,奴隶们获得了自由。
13.Working Group on Slavery and Slavery-like Practices奴隶制和类似奴隶制习俗工作组
14.Actio servi corrupti诱惑奴隶之诉,腐蚀奴隶之诉
15.She was a slave, and salable as such.她是个奴隶,既然是奴隶,也就可以出卖。
16.The abolitionists advocated freedom for the slaves.奴隶制度废除论者提倡解放奴隶
17.The cruel master beat his slaves mercilessly with a whip.残暴的奴隶主用鞭子狠心地抽打奴隶
18.The slave owners forced the slaves to fight against each other in the wrestling ring.奴隶主强迫奴隶在角斗场上自相残杀。

1.The autobiography not only exposes the cruel nature of slavery but also discloses the secret for the slavery to be maintained, that is, the slaves are always kept in illiteracy.分析了《黑人奴隶弗雷德里克·道格拉斯的生平自述》中主人公自我意识的觉醒和为自由而进行的努力奋斗的过程;指出道格拉斯在这部自传中,不但揭露了奴隶制的残酷本质而且揭示了奴隶制得以维持的秘密奴隶们总是被迫保持文盲状态;强调了道格拉斯的重要思想:知识是从奴隶制度通往自由的必由之路。
2.The colonialism in Robinson Crusoe is presented on the basis of a careful analysis of the complex relations between colonialists and colonies, slaveholders and slaves, the white and the color, central culture and marginal culture, civilization and savagery, Christianity and cannibalism, Robinson and Friday, difference and multiplicit主要分析《鲁滨孙飘流记》中殖民者与殖民地、奴隶主与奴隶、白种人与有色人、中心文化与边缘文化、文明与野蛮、基督教与食人肉、鲁滨孙与星期五、差异性与多重性之间及其相互间的复杂关系 ,从而揭示出蕴涵在作品中的殖民主义主
3.On the basis of an anatomy of Chengdu as a typical area and a typical city,this paper explains and studies slaves t prevailing nitionwide in the periods of the Qin and Han dynasties and theThree Kingdoms.本文通过对典型地区、典型城市——成都的解剖,来了解、研究秦汉三国时期全国普遍存在的奴隶
3)A bondman; a slave.农奴;奴隶
4)The slaves feared their master.奴隶惧怕奴隶主.
1.The Feudalism and the Slavery in the History of Thailand;泰国历史上的封建制与奴隶
2.A Comment on Montesqieu s Ideas about Slavery;孟德斯鸠的奴隶制思想述评
3.After the civil war,the southerners tried to write slavery out of the history of the war,on the other it was introduced into the successive generation ,and the very act of passing down cultural propaganda attitudes to children was to make the institution properly maintain.战后,南方人努力把奴隶制从他们的历史中删除,从而使他们的体制合法化,另一方面他们又向他们的接班人灌输只有相信并继续这样的文化渗透,他们原有的权利体制才不会遇到来自北方政府的质疑。
6)slave society奴隶社会
1.Xia and Shang Dynasties are embryonic autocratic sovereign form,but are not the slave society.中国古代夏商两朝不是奴隶社会,而是王权专制的雏形氏族部落国家;中国的封建社会,应从西周起到战国末为止,秦统一后,秦始皇全面开创了皇权专制的政体,打破封建壁垒,这对于巩固我国多民族国家的统一,发展经济和文化事业都做出了历史性的贡献,所以两千余年的皇权制社会应叫它皇权社会,而不应称之谓封建社会。
2.This article based on some historical material, analyses and studies the fundamental principles of criminal law about Chinese ancient slave society and tries to inquire into the central point of that time s criminal law and regular of its development.本文依据一些史料 ,对我国古代奴隶制社会的刑法所具有的基本原则进行了一些分析和探讨 ,试图通过对奴隶制的刑法原则的研究来窥探奴隶社会刑法的实质及演变规律。
