1.On the Criminal Object and Criterion of Accomplished Offense of Rape;新强奸罪的犯罪客体与既遂标准
2.The Research on the Legislative Perfection of the Crime of Rape in Our Country;我国强奸罪立法完善研究
3.Whether femail can be main body or not of crime of rape alone论女性能否单独成为强奸罪的主体

1.One who commits the crime of rape.强奸犯犯下强奸罪行的人
2.She brought a charge of violation against him她指控他犯强奸罪
3.He was sent to prison for rape.他因强奸罪而入狱。
4.someone who is suspected of committing rape.被怀疑犯了强奸罪的人。
5.He was brought to court and charged with rape.他被带到法庭并被指控犯有强奸罪.
6.He is brought to court and charge with rape.他被带进法庭并被指控犯有强奸罪
7.He was charged with raping and got arrested.他被指控犯有强奸罪并被逮捕了
8.He had been caged for three years for committing rape他因犯强奸罪而坐了3年的牢。
9.The Integration of Subjectivity and Objectivity Principle and Strict Liability Doctrine--In the view of the rape crime of carnal knowledge of a child;主客观相统一原则与严格责任——以奸淫幼女型强奸罪为视角
10.The pretext is looking for unreported cases of sexual abuse and statutory rape.借口是寻找性虐待和强奸罪的未报告案例
11.In accordance with the existing criminal law, rape is directly intentionally subjective.依照现行刑法,强奸罪的主观方面为直接故意。
12.Study of Female Could be the Subject of Rape;论我国女性可以成为强奸罪的直接主体
13.statutory rape【律】强奸幼女(罪)
14.Rape in the Marriage Shall be Criminalization: A Constitutional Review;婚内强奸应当犯罪化——从宪法学角度评婚内强奸
15.In rape cases the offender usually leaves semen.在强奸案中,罪犯通常留有精液。
16.Assault falls under the category of crime against the person.强奸归入侵犯人身罪一类。
17.Robbery, kidnapping, rape, and murder are all examples of felonies.抢劫、拐骗、强奸、谋杀都是重罪的例子。
18.Crimes of Rape-within-the-marriage--An Analysis from the Social Gender Perspective;关于婚内强奸非罪论的社会性别分析

crime of rape强奸罪
1.How to define the commitment of raping the underage girls? The thesis decides it is quite different from raping the grown women with its act does not measure up to the essential conditions so that it should be divided from the crime of rape and becomes an independent crime.最高人民法院的司法文件中取消了奸淫幼女罪,把奸淫幼女的行为纳入到强奸罪里来,以强奸罪定罪处罚。
3)rape crime强奸罪
1.The present criminal law in our country stipulates rape crime and compulsory indecent woman crime and indecent child crime,which have given the full protection to feminine and child′s natural rights.我国现行刑法规定的强奸罪和强制猥亵、侮辱妇女罪及猥亵儿童罪对女性和儿童的性权利给予了充分的保护。
2.This paper analyzes the influence of the idea of feminism,individualism,and the civil rights movement on the legislation of rape crime after the World War Ⅱ,compares the judicial and legislative difference between China and the United States,and discusses the controversial issues of the in-marital rape, focusing on whether the female can be regarded as a committer of a rape crime.分析了二战之后兴起的个人主义、人权运动、女权主义等思潮对西方国家尤其是美国的强奸罪立法的影响,比较了中国和美国关于强奸罪在立法、司法上的异同,并对于国内争议较大的婚内强奸以及女性能否成为强奸罪的实行犯做了重点阐述,希望对我国的强奸罪的立法完善有所裨益。
3.We can see that from the explanations of rape crime in the present Penal Code and judicial interpretation.强奸罪作为一种古老的犯罪形式,人们对它已经形成了一种固有的思维模式与认识。
4)the crime of rape强奸罪
1.As an old eternal criminal topic, the crime of rape has the historyas long as the history of civilization of human being.强奸罪,一个古老而永恒的犯罪命题,它的历史同人类的文明史一般悠久。
2.Nowadays the legislation referred to the crime of rape in our country does not good enough to adapt to the development of economy,politics,society and culture.面对经济、政治、社会、文化的发展变化,我国的强奸罪立法已明显地表现出某些程度的不适应。
5)Subject of Rape Offense强奸罪主体
6)crime of raping within marriage婚内强奸罪
