1.A Brief Talk on Establishment and Execution of University Financial Budget;浅谈高校财务预算的编制与执行
2.A Study of Compromise Effectiveness in Civil Execution;民事执行和解协议效力问题研究
3.Problems and countermeasures of execution work;执行工作存在的问题与对策

1.The execution shall be performed by the marshal.执行工作由执行员进行。
2.Board of executive director执行董事会,执行委员会
3.National Execution Audit Section国家执行审计科(执审科)
4.Where the person concerned fails to carry it out within the time limit, the marshal shall execute it forcibly.被执行人逾期不履行的,由执行员强制执行
5.Standardizing the Behavior of the Administrative Execution Subject and Improving Administrative Execution Efficiency;规范行政执行主体 提高行政执行效能
6.The Legal Consideration On Implementing Position, Incapability and Norms;对执行定位、执行不能和执行规范的法律思考
7.Policy Executives (Sea & Air)政策执行员(海/空)
8.To administer(laws, for example).实施、执行(如法律)
9.leave for enforcement裁决执行许可(书)
10.SPs perform the following functions:sp 执行下列功能:
11.Audit of Budget Implementation(一)预算执行审计
12.Operations Department [ICAC]执行处〔廉政公署〕
13.Perform TEST 28S Before Proceeding在处理前执行28S
14.Execution,Executive Power and Executive Culture--Thinking on Executive Power of State Owned Enterprise;执行 执行执行文化——关于国有企业执行力的思考
15.One who executes, especially one who puts a condemned person to death.行刑人执行者,特指死刑执行
16.Break execution when the program reaches this location in a file.程序执行到文件的该位置时,中断执行
17.Break execution when the program reaches this location in a function.程序执行到函数的该位置时,中断执行
18.We should carry out the decisions and check up on the results.我们应执行决议并检查执行结果。

1.Policy Escapism during the implementation of Policies;论政策执行中的政策规避
2.Interest Games in the Process of China's Public Policy Implementation;中国公共政策执行过程中的利益博弈
3.Study on Family Planning Policy Implementation in Countryside of China by Interest Games;农村计划生育政策执行中的利益博弈研究
1.The Harmonization of Rules in Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments;论国际民商事判决承认与执行规范的趋同化
2.Rethinking on Principle of Non-stopping the Enforcement of Administrative Act in Administrative Law of Remedies;行政救济法上不停止执行原则的再思考
3.On Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Maritime Arbitration Awards;论外国海事仲裁裁决的承认与执行
1.A lawsuit resulted from the wreck endangering safe navigation;the court verdict clarifies the relevant legal provisions——The first verdict concerning maritime authority's recourse for costs of recovering emergency measures executed smoothly沉船沉物碍航引发官司 法院判决明确法律条款——全国首例海事部门追偿应急措施费用的判决得到顺利执行
2.If the geo-logical prospecting company executes the new system timely,it will be very helpful to make the accounting more standard,to re flect the asset situation and to improve the financial manage-ment level in the geological prospecting company as well.地勘企业适时执行《企业会计制度》,可以进一步规范地勘企业的会计核算行为,对真实、完整地反映地勘企业的资产状况,提高地勘企业的财务管理水平,具有现实指导作用。
3.Most of all,it is more important to be executed.从国外内部控制的COSO报告和SOX法案经验说明,我国的内部控制要想得到有效地发挥作用,需要注意的问题是:要有良好的内外部环境,主要有完善公司治理机制,为内部控制系统的构建提供基础,构造一个良好的内部环境;实现有效的外部监控,为内部控制系统作用的发挥提供有效的外部环境;在内外部环境得到完善的前提下,要着重执行
1.Several things worth taking notice of in declaring and implementing the Item of CME;继续医学教育项目申报、执行中应注意的问题
2.The problems in the implement of bill code and its countermeasures;清单规范执行中的问题及解决方案
3.The quality opera- tors should understand the technics and raw materials,should implement standards roundly and strictly,so that to judge the quality of chemical product good or bad and accord with the standards or not;to detect the product quality problems in time;to table a proposal for developing pro.质量工作者必须要了解化工产品的生产工艺条件和原材料,必须全面严格执行标准,方可判断化工产品质量的优劣及符合标准与否;方可及时发现产品质量问题,为生产提供改进方案或完善生产操作条件,从而确保或提高产品质量。
6)carry out执行
