1.Victims with mental retardation in forensic psychiatric assessment;法医精神病学鉴定中的精神发育迟滞受害人
2.To illustrate, are the female the only victim? Does sex intercourse merely imply an insertion into vagina? Is marital rape an offense? How can we make law to protect a man from bug.例如,强奸罪受害人是否仅限于女性,性行为指向是否仅限女性生殖器,婚内强奸是否构成犯罪,以及如何立法保障男性免受鸡奸等行为的侵害。
3.This liability system protects the victim s legitimate interests and maintains the square deal of the securities business through rea- sonable reassignment of the interests between the tort-feasor and the victim of the inside dealing.内幕交易民事责任通过对内幕交易侵权人和受害人利益的合理再分配,达到保护受害人合法权益,维护证券市场公平交易的目的。

1.Unit for the Protection of Victims and Witnesses保护受害人和证人股
2.The victim was smothered to death.受害人被窒息致死。
3.The victim uttered anguished cries.受害人发出痛苦的呼喊。
4.He be the victim of a can trick .他是一骗局的受害人
5.murder, rape victims谋杀案、 强奸案的受害人
6.The victim had been knifed (in the chest).受害人(於胸部)中刀.
7.The compensations for the injuries seldom yield complete satisfaction.伤害赔偿很少使受害人称心如意。
8.A Study on the Relief System for Victims of Hazards Pollution;公害型环境污染受害人救济制度研究
9.A person who is the intended victim of a swindler; a dupe.易受骗的人,笨蛋受骗子故意欺骗的受害人;笨蛋
10.The victim is too scared to go out after dark.受害人受到了惊吓,天黑以后不敢出门。
11.Recoverable pecuniary damage is a diminution of the victim's patrimony caused by the damaging event.可回复的财产损害指受害人在损害事件中遭受的财物的减少。
12.A judge yesterday praised the family of a manslaughter victim after they donated his organs.一名法官昨赞赏误杀案受害人的家属,捐出受害人器官。
13.Claims should be made against the vehicle owner and/or the driver.受害人应向车主及驾驶人索取赔偿。
14.The person suffering harm may also sue directly in the People's Court.受害人也可以直接向人民法院起诉。
15.Who have be damaged or harm by a defendant 's action受被告损害或伤害的人
16.A public nuisance was one which damaged a large number of persons.公害是造成许多人受害。
17.Harsh criticism that wounds.使人受伤害的严厉批评
18.The accused man said he had been framed.被告说他受人陷害了.

victim consent受害人同意
1.<Abstrcat> The research of tort law and crime request the answer toward the effective foundation of victim consent.侵权行为法和刑事犯罪研究要求对受害人同意的效力基础做出回答。
2.The victim consent originated in the "non-consent for the harm" rule.受害人同意起源于“同意非为损害”规则,基本含义是指如果人们同意了他人的所作所为,则该人没有因为他人的行为而受到损害,即该行为不违法。
3.There are many distinctions between assumption of risk and victim consent.同时,还应注意自甘风险与受害人同意等相关概念的区别。
3)the right of victims to take legal proceedings受害人诉权
4)the victim of the third party受害第三人
5)Feminine victim女性受害人
6)the consent of victim受害人承诺
