1.A Stochastic Endogenous Growth Model of Quantitative Corruption;贪污量化的内生随机增长模型

1.Anti-Corruption and Bribery Bureau反贪污贿赂局(反贪局)
2.a corrupt politician堕落 [贪污] 的政客
3.anonymous corruption inquiry有关贪污的匿名查询
4.Lex lulia peculatus关于贪污的尤利亚法
5.Is corruption a worldwide disease?贪污是全球性的弊病吗?
6.He was impeached for corruption他被指挥犯有贪污罪。
7.International Anti-Corruption Conference(第X届)国际反贪污大会
8.Manual on Practical Measures against Corruption反贪污切实措施手册
9.The Government decided to hit out against corruption and theft政府决定打击贪污盗窃。
10.The Minister became rich through graft.这位部长贪污致富。
11.Seventh International Anti-corruption Conference第七届国际反贪污大会
12.delays; corruption; roughness; and facility.迟延、贪污、粗暴与易欺。
13.Corruption Prevention Department [ICAC]防止贪污处〔廉政公署〕
14.exposure of graft in county government.县政府贪污的揭露.
15.anonymous non-corruption report非贪污性质的匿名举报
16.pursuable traceable corruption report可追查的具名贪污举报
17.traceable non-corruption report非贪污性质的具名举报
18.pursuable anonymous corruption report可追查的匿名贪污举报

1.Embezzlement Bribe Exist Problem and Making Up;我国贪污贿赂犯罪存在问题及其法律完善
2.In the 1930s and the 1940s,the Government of the Republic of China granted the jurisdiction of embezzlement cases to the military law in order to strengthen the supervision of the officials.20世纪三四十年代,国民政府将审办贪污案的权力划归军法以加强对官吏的监督。
3.We should reach the consensus of embezzlement’s object according to our Criminal Law and make provisions for bribery crimes and content of bribery.在贪污罪的对象上需要的是理解的统一,而在贿赂范围以及国外公职人员的贿赂犯罪上可作同样的规定。
3)Corruption and anti-corruption贪污与反贪污
4)embezzlement and bribery贪污贿赂
1.The Tang law punishing the behave of embezzlement and bribery crimes modern meaning;唐律惩治贪污贿赂行为的现实意义
2.Since the revised criminal procedural law went into effect in 1996,the academic circle and the law enforcers have reflected on the role of mandatory measures in investigating embezzlement and bribery crimes and attempted to amend them.自1996年修订的刑事诉讼法实施以来,学术界和实务界对贪污贿赂犯罪侦查中强制措施进行不同程度的检讨和修补尝试,所存在的问题具体体现在基本原则空缺,决定权与法律监督权重叠,立法上的疏漏等。
3.The recent years, it appears a trend of escalation that the rural primary organization personnel are suspected of economic crimes of embezzlement and bribery.近些年,农村基层组织人员涉嫌贪污贿赂等经济犯罪的案件呈上升趋势,仅在2007年农村基层组织人员涉嫌贪污贿赂犯罪的就有3878人。
1.The scope of social corruption in the period of Emperor Qianlong in Qing Dynasty was very popular and its methods were also extremely extraordinary.清代乾隆时期社会贪污腐败的范围之广,手段之奇,在中国封建社会中皆具代表性。
2.The causes of crimes of corruption and accepting bribes in the Qing Dynasty can be summarized in five aspects:abusing power, concentrated administration,rule by individuals,irrational systems and lack of supervision.清代贪污腐败犯罪的成因可以归纳为五个方面:公权私化为腐败提供了丰厚的营养;行政的集权化、监督机制缺乏,为腐败提供了唾手可得的机会;行政过程的人治化为腐败提供了方便的路径;一些不合理的制度催化了腐败的进程;反贪不力,导致官场腐败禁而不绝。
1.New Study on the Requisites to Constitute Corruptions and the Crimination of Joint Corruptions;贪污罪要件及共同贪污定性新论
2.The Criminal Law provides for the corresponding punishment for corruption according to the different figures in our country;but there is a big discussion in academic circles.贪污罪是一种严重的犯罪,我国刑法对贪污罪按数额规定了相应的刑罚。
3.However,the provisions concerning corruption in criminal law indicate that nonpublic economy is afforded less protection.然而《刑法》中贪污罪的规定表明,非公有经济的保护处于弱势地位。
