1.Reflections aroused by a testament notarization;一份遗嘱公证引发的思考

1.Testamentum apud acta(conditum)公证遗嘱,公式遗嘱
2.TT [Testamentary Trust]遗嘱信托[abbr.]
3.To establish the validity of(a will)by probate.验证遗嘱通过遗嘱检验程序来证实(遗嘱)的效力
4.where a will exists, it shall be handled in accordance with testamentary succession or as legacy;有遗嘱的,按照遗嘱继承或者遗赠办理;
5.of or relating to a will or testament or bequeathed by a will or testament.属于、关于遗嘱,或在遗嘱中遗留下来。
6."To make your will?"“来给您立遗嘱吗?”
7.A supplement or appendix to a will.遗嘱的附录遗嘱的补充或附录
8.Testamentum irritum未实现(落实)的遗嘱遗嘱失效
9.But the Testament is more often chanted than carried out.顾诵读遗嘱者多,遵循遗嘱者少。
10.A notarial will is one made by a testator through a notary agency.公证遗嘱遗嘱人经公证机关办理。
11.A testator may revoke or alter a will he previously made.遗嘱人可以撤销、变更自己所立的遗嘱
12.a person who is appointed by a testator to execute the testator's will.遗嘱人指定的执行遗嘱的人.
13.Desecraters of the Testament are rewarded while those who honour it in their acts are punished.背弃遗嘱者奖,实行遗嘱者罚。
14.A legally executed document containing this declaration.遗嘱文含这种遗嘱的合法实施的文件
15.Bonorum possessio secundum tabulas依据遗嘱的遗产占有
16.where no disposition is made under the will for part of the estate.遗嘱未处分的遗产。
17.Bonorum possessio contra(sine)tabulas违反遗嘱的遗产占有
18.Intestati bonorum possessio无(对抗)遗嘱的遗产占有

1.How many wills did Feng Yu-xiang make on earth in the 1930s and 1940s;冯玉祥在20世纪三四十年代到底写了多少遗嘱?
2.The applicable law of the content and the effect of a will;遗嘱内容和效力的法律适用问题之研究———兼评《中华人民共和国民法(草案)》第9编第74条
3.The formal rules is very important in will systems.遗嘱形式规则是遗嘱继承制度中的重要内容。
4)will subscription遗嘱协议
5)testate succession遗嘱继承
1.Declaration of death and testate succession are two kinds of legal system about death.宣告死亡和遗嘱继承是关于死亡的两种法律制度。
6)freedom of testament遗嘱自由
1.Law Study on Limitation of Freedom of Testament;遗嘱自由限制若干法律问题研究
2.This paper addresses the existing disadvantages of restricting freedom of testament by adopting the system oflegal portion and statutory share; hence, the justifiability and feasibility of restricting freedom of testament by employingestate duty and gift tax is put forth.本文指出特留份和必留份对遗嘱自由的限制在我国的现实情况下存在的弊端。
