1.Bigamy includes two situation,one is legal bigamy and the other is virtual bigamy.重婚在客观表现上有两种情况,一种是法律上的重婚,另一种是事实上的重婚
2.The article then goes on to look into bigamy offence in light the principle of the penal code,and concludes that the essence of the bigamy offense lies in the existence and superposit.依据客观解释论,结合中国传统文化理解“婚姻”,可以导出“合法性”不是婚姻的本质属性;以刑法的理念为指导解读“夫妻名义”,可以知道“夫妻名义”是婚姻实质的客观表述而不是口头的宣称;以刑法的目的导向洞察“重婚”,能够明白“重婚”的本质是二个或二个以上婚姻关系的并存与重合。
3.Therefore,it s necessary to redefine bigamy to protect the aggrieve parties,their families,and the harmony of society.我国民刑法律对重婚概念界定的标准不一致,这样,不仅给司法界和理论界带来混乱,也不利于维护善良婚姻当事人的利益。

1.They go through a bigamous marriage ceremony他们举世闻名行了重婚婚礼
2.They want through a bigamous marriage ceremony.他们举世闻名行了重婚婚礼。
3.And if he keeps a mistress, doesn't he have to support two households?重婚不要两处开销么?
4.On the applicable Problems of the Coincidence of Practical Marriage and Crime of Bigamy;事实婚姻与重婚罪的重合适用问题辨析
5.Redefinition of Bigamy and Review of Standards of Bigamy婚姻范畴的重新界定与重婚标准的检讨
6.The criminal offense of marrying one person while still legally married to another.重婚罪在与一人有合法婚姻的同时与另一个人结婚的犯罪行为
7.Status of De Facto Marriage in the Constitution of the Crime of Bigamy;论事实婚姻在重婚罪犯罪构成中的地位
8.Many polygamists moved to Mexico because of the relative liberality of Mexican law.很多重婚者搬到了墨西哥,因为墨西哥法律对重婚比较宽松。
9.A New Interpretation of Bigamy;对重婚罪的重新解读——兼对妨害婚姻、家庭罪整体搬迁之利弊分析
10.Talks on Crime Formation and Legal Types of the Bigamy--A Trial on A Case of Bigamy Crime;通过对一件重婚案件的审理谈重婚罪的犯罪构成和法律类型
11.Do you know the punishment for bigamy? Two mothers-in-law!(「重婚罪」惩罚为何?便是拥有两个丈母娘!
12.Utah Man Convicted of Bigamy犹他州一名男子被判重婚
13.Bigamy is considered a crime in many countries.在许多国家里重婚都被看作是犯罪。
14.a dignified matron一位庄重的已婚妇女
15.recite/pronounce/renew one's `marriage vows念[发出/重复]自己的婚誓
16.There are church weddings with a great deal of fanfare;有热闹庄重的教堂婚礼;
17.Confarreation was in Roman law the oldest and most solemn form of marriage.共食婚是罗马法中最古老,最庄重的结婚仪式。
18.Marriages of consequence, and none but those, will be hailed with joyful peals.重要的婚姻,也只有重要的婚姻才会用欢快的钟声庆祝。

1.Through analyzing the definition of remarriage,factual marriage,illegal cohabit and cohabit beyond marriage,the author points out the defects on protecting the third party of the three relations mentioned above and proposes some suggestion about how to protect the property right and spiritual rights of the third party.然而通过对重婚、事实婚姻、非法同居以及已婚者与他人同居等不同类型进行分析,可以发现我国现行法律对前三种关系中的第三者保护不足,从而试对如何保护该第三者的财产权利以及精神损害赔偿请求权提出建议。
2.So by analyzing the definition of remarriage,fact marriage,illegal co-habitant and co-habitant behind spouse,this article points out the defects on protecting the third peson behind spouse of the former three kinds of relationship above mentioned.我国近年来对离婚产生的精神损害赔偿问题的研究主要集中在无过错配偶方的请求权上,文章通过对重婚、事实婚姻、非法同居以及有配偶者与他人同居等概念的辨析,指出了我国现行法律中对前三种关系中的第三人保护不足,并对如何保护该关系中第三人的财产权以及精神损害赔偿请求权提出建议。
3)crime of bigamy重婚罪
1.De facto marriage has important status in the constitution of the crime of bigamy.事实婚姻在重婚罪的犯罪构成中具有重要的地位。
2.This article analyzes the basic value direction of practical marriage system and the system of crime of bigamy from justice and order angles.文章从正义和秩序两个角度分析了事实婚姻制度与重婚罪制度的基本价值取向。
3.According to the New Criminal Law and judicial interpretation concerned,punishment on such marriages in the name of crime of bigamy does not go against the legal principles.根据新刑法及有关司法解释的规定 ,对事实婚的重婚行为以重婚罪定罪处罚并未违反罪刑法定原则。
4)Cautious divorce慎重离婚
