1.Research from the Prospect of Gender Analysis on Housework——Also on the Scale of Marital Property in China;对家务劳动的社会性别分析——兼谈我国夫妻共同财产的范围
2.An investigation of women and housework——Commenting on the inadequacies of Article 40 Marriage Law in addition;女性与家务劳动研究初探——兼评《婚姻法》第40条的立法不足
3.This paper mainly deals with housework s economic value and legal protection from the view of the generalized labor value theory,showing that housework is the necessary labor of the society.在广义劳动价值论视野,家务劳动是社会必要劳动,是提供劳动力产品、创造经济价值的劳动。

1.light household tasks.See Synonyms at beasy轻松的家务劳动参见
2.I don't care much for housework.我不大喜欢家务劳动
3.Housework is usually miscellaneous and toilsome.家务劳动通常是繁杂的。
4.Washing machines make housework easier.洗衣机减轻了家务劳动
5.Men and women are encouraged to share household duties.男女分担家务劳动
6.The housework is shared among the family members.家庭成员一起分担家务劳动
7.You'd better relieve your wife of some of housework.你最好减轻你妻子的家务劳动
8.working wives do about 75 per cent of the housework.有工作的妻子要做75%的家务劳动
9.Modern inventions facilitate housework.许多现代发明便利了家务劳动
10.As a result, the average time women spend on housework daily has generally decreased.就业妇女的家务劳动时间普遍降低。
11.As a result, the time women spend on housework daily has generally decreased.妇女的家务劳动时间普遍降低。
12.In the past, a wife took on all the housework.过去,家务劳动全部由妻子承担;
13.In cities, professional women put an average of 3.75 hours into household chores. This is almost equivalent to the time spent on such tasks by their female counterparts in developed countries.城市职业妇女家务劳动日均3.75小时,已接近发达国家妇女家务劳动的平均时间。
14.The work load in house and on farm was more reduced by modern conveniences.家务劳动和农场劳动的负担由于多种现代化设备而减轻了。
15.All this was done to relieve women of household chores.这一切都是为了把妇女从家务劳动中解放出来。
16.Marxist Feminism s Debate On Domestic Labour;马克思主义女性主义关于家务劳动的讨论
17.household sector (labour market)家务部门(劳动力市场)
18.The State encourages the workers to participate in social voluntary labour,国家提倡劳动者参加社会义务劳动,

Homemaker services家务劳动服务
3)Housework in marriage relationships家务劳动定位
4)Housework Compensating家务劳动补偿
5)The socialization of housework家务劳动社会化
6)homework cooperation家务劳动协作度

家务劳动家务劳动housework  家务劳动(housework)操持家庭、处理家庭事务的活动。家庭主妇是家务劳动的主要承担者,传统上她们担当已婚妇女的角色,不论参加工作与否,均要承担繁重的家务劳动。现代家庭,男性参与家务劳动的时间和承担的家务劳动量正在增长,但家务劳动仍然被大多数人看作是女性的本分。对待家务劳动的态度很不一样,有的妇女能寻出乐趣,大部分妇女有所不满。调查表明,70%的家庭主妇不满于家务劳动,其主要原因在于家务劳动的重复、单调、琐碎和劳累。对如何改变妇女地位的问题,谈论最多的是如何看待家务劳动,主要有三种观点:(l)认为家务劳动是女性不可推卸的职责,成为家庭主妇是女性生活中的正常进程,男主外、女主内是合情合理的社会分工,问题在于提高家务劳动的社会地位。(2)认为家务劳动是女性受压迫的主要根源,它束缚了女性的手脚,妨碍了女性进入社会和发挥潜能,造成了男女不平等,要提高妇女地位,就要使之从家庭中解放出来。(3)折衷的观点认为,家务劳动是社会劳动的一部分,应为两性共同承担。对于家务劳动是否算是一种职业或工作,存在着不同的认识。现代社会的发展,家务劳动有走向自动化和社会比的趋势。 (陈若莉撰高玉样审)