1.The strike within scope of labor law and implication of the strike system;论劳动法范围内的罢工罢工制度的实质
2.The Anti-imperialism Strike in Jiaozuo Coal Mines of the Peking Syndicare.Ltd in 1925——In memory of the 80th anniversary of the strike and the establishment of the labour union in Jiaozuo coal mines;1925年英国福公司焦作煤矿反帝罢工——纪念焦作煤矿罢工暨工会成立80周年
3.Confirminmg the right of strike constitutionalism access to resol ution of the contradiction between labour and management;试论罢工权的确认——一种解决劳资纠纷的宪政径路

1.A laborer on strike.罢工者在罢工的劳动者
2.instigate a strike, strike action, etc煽动罢工罢工行动等
3.Wildcat strikes自发罢工,野猫式罢工
4.a general, an unofficial, a wildcat strike大罢工、 未经工会同意的罢工、 自发举行的罢工
5.strikes, riots and civil commotion罢工、暴动、民变险
6.Insurance against strike, riot and civil commotion(SRCC)罢工,暴动,民变险
7.an unofficial strike未经工会认可的罢工,非公认的罢工
8.The shop-stewards brought out the miners.工人代表发动矿工罢工.
9.A strike obstructed the work of the factory.罢工妨碍了工厂的工作。
10.The workers have come out for more pay.工人为增加工资而罢工
11.The great strike was over, the strikers beaten.大罢工已经结束,罢工者吃了亏。
12.blackleg. strike-breaking(strike pay money paid by a trade union to striking members during a strike officially recognized by the union)罢工津贴(在工会正式组织的罢工期间由工会发给罢工者的).
13.The chapel voted against a strike.印刷工会投票反对罢工.
14.The union call its member out strike.工会号召其会员罢工
15.The strikers cried for a raise of pay罢工者要求提高工资。
16.The strikers are asking for another increase in pay罢工者要求再涨工资。
17.The steel workers called a strike.钢铁工人发动了罢工
18.A wildcat strike.未经工会允许的罢工

3)industrial stoppages工业罢工
4)A labor strike.工人罢工
5)vicious strike恶性罢工
6)Strike freedom罢工自由
