实施效果,implementation effect
1)implementation effect实施效果
1.Analysis of Implementation Effect of Prevention and Control of Tuberculosis in Zhangping from 2001 to 2007;2001~2007年漳平市结核病防治实施效果分析
2.By analyzing refinery's structural problems of SINOPEC as well as predicting the future market space, optional development goals for SINOPEC and measures and implementation effect of readjusting refinery industry structure are presented in the article.通过对石化集团公司炼油结构性问题的分析 ,以及未来市场空间的预测 ,提出了可供集团公司选择的发展目标、炼油产业结构调整的措施和实施效果
3.This article analyzes the implementation effect of BRT in domestic and foreign cities,according to certain principle,takes the south-center liner as an example analyzing the BRT effect from the passenger travel status, the service level,social vehicles operational status and the volume of entire line cross section and so on.在总结分析国内外城市BRT实施效果研究的基础上,根据实施效果分析应遵循的原则,以南中轴为例从乘客出行状况、服务水平、社会车辆运行状况及全线断面流量等方面分析BRT建设的效果。

1.Some Measures to Increase Efficiency of Injection Surface System and Their Application Effects提高注聚区地面系统效率的措施及实施效果
2.The Demonstration Analysis on the Effect of the Great Developing in Western Regions Stratagem;西部大开发战略实施效果的实证分析
3.An analysis of implementing effect on practical link of travelling management profession;旅游管理专业实践环节实施效果分析
4.The Analysis on the Background, Content and Implementation of "Plaza Accord"“广场协议”的背景、实质及实施效果分析
5.Empirical Study on the Performance of Blended-Learning混合式学习模式实施效果的实证研究
6.Analytic Demonstration to the Effect of Import Anti-dumping in China,;中国进口产品反倾销措施实施效果实证分析
7.Talking on Actualize Effect and Experience of Nursing Model on Demand浅谈按需护理方式的实施效果和体会
8.The Implementation Results of the New Accounting Standards: From the View of Conservatism;新会计准则的实施效果:稳健性角度
9.The Analysis of Effect of Project about "Three Rural" in China West Development;西部开发中的“三农”项目实施效果分析
10.Analysis on Implemental Effect of Teaching Rules and Regulations in College and University;高等学校教学管理规章实施效果分析
11.A Test on the Effectiveness of China s High-tech industrialization Plans;我国高技术产业化计划实施效果检验
12.A Study on Agricultural Subsidy Policies and Their Impacts in China;中国农业补贴政策及其实施效果分析
13.Factors influencing college elective P.E class effects;大学体育选项课实施效果的影响因素
14.The research and analysis of the quality evaluation system of classroom teaching;课堂授课质量评价体系实施效果分析
15.Effect Analysis of Telecommunication Universal Service Policy in China;电信普遍服务在中国的实施效果分析
16.A Study of Building the Implementing Effect Security System of Marketing Scheme.;论营销策划实施效果保障体系的建设
17.An Empirical Study on the Effect of ERP Implementation in Enterprise;企业实施ERP系统效果的实证研究
18.The fact shows that the effect of energy saving is satisfactory because of the effective control being applied.事实表明,实施有效的控制,节能效果是显著的。

1.Effect Analysis on MOH/WHO/Luxembourg Project of Strengthening Cold Chain and Childhood Immunization Service Quality Project in Qinghai Province卫生部/世界卫生组织/卢森堡支持的青海省加强冷链及儿童免疫服务质量项目实施效果分析
2.Evaluating The Effect Of The New Rural Cooperative Medical System In Some province某省新型农村合作医疗制度实施效果的综合评价
3.Objective To evaluate the effects of course-ward nursing in the Department of Orthopedics.结论骨科阶段性护理实践开发了护理人力资源,运用了临床护理路径,量化了健康教育管理,实施效果显著。
3)implementing effect实施效果
1., Ltd,and introduced the mainly measures taken in production and implementing effect.995品级率提高的因素,介绍了生产中主要采取的措施及实施效果
1.Analysis the effectiveness of regulatory detailed planning;浅议控制性详细规划的实施效果
2.Effectiveness of an International Mental Health Promotion Programme for Young Children: A Study in Shanghai一项国际性幼儿心理健康教育课程在上海的实施效果研究
5)practical effect实施效果
6)result of ERP into practiceERP实施效果
