1.The Punishment Ordinance for Civil Servants Working in Administrative Organs makes administrative punishment rules in China more complete and more systemic.《行政机关公务员处分条例》使我国的行政纪律惩戒规范变得更加完整和系统化。
2.This paper doesn t continue to talk about the tradition model of "commission-surrogate" with prompting,however,we use the concept of credit and punishment and talk about their effect in modern enterprise management mode and the dialectic relation of them.现代企业管理模式的构建关系到市场经济的正常运行与社会主义市场经济体系的完善,本文没有继续"委托—代理"模型中激励机制的传统讨论,而是将"诚信与惩戒"的概念引入到讨论当中,从二者分别在现代企业管理模式中所起的作用及其辩证关系进行论述,并结合我国目前企业普遍诚信缺乏、惩戒无力的现状,给出了构建诚信与惩戒双重管理模式的对策建议。
3.The essence of punishment is to inhibit wicked idea and induce goodness by punishing the student of his immoral behavior and making the student produce sense of shame so as to reach the purpose of education.惩戒的本质在于通过对学生不合范行为的制裁和规约,使学生产生对不合范行为的羞耻感和对 规范的尊重之情感,抑制学生身上的恶性、彰显善性,从而达到教育的目的。

1.He rarely disciplined anybody.他很少惩戒任何人。
2.You will have to discipline your cook.你应当惩戒你的厨子。
3.He was dismissed by way of disciplinary punishment.他被开除以示惩戒
4.That child needs discipline.那个孩子应该受到惩戒
5.His license was revoked as a warning.他被吊销执照,以示惩戒
6.Basic Training Manual for Correctional Workers惩戒人员基本训练手册
7.disciplinary appeals惩戒方面的申诉案件
8.A thrashing administered especially as punishment.严惩棒打、鞭打尤用以惩戒、责打
9.The Research on Disciplinary Practices of the Central Government Civil Servant Disciplinary Council of Nanjing National Government, 1927-1937;南京国民政府中央公务员惩戒委员会惩戒实践研究(1927-1937)
10.tried to dissuade the general from taking disciplinary action;极力劝将军不要采取惩戒行动;
11.Pupils are rewarded or corrected, as they merit.学生会受到他们应得的奖励或惩戒
12.Boiling with rage, Zhang Fei punished the official with a strong adverse wind that blew donw the river for a distance of 30 li.张飞大怒,遂刮了30里逆风,予以惩戒
13.He is dressed down for violating the code of the regiment他因为违犯团队的规则而受到惩戒
14.The parental discipline can Be descriBed as cruel kindness.父母的惩戒可以说是残酷的仁慈。
15.The teacher disciplined the pupils rather frequently.这位老师经常惩戒他的学生。
16.Hung-chien said, "It's not just a question of reprimanding the students.鸿渐道:“这倒不是惩戒学生的问题。
17.We behold nothing but unpunished wickedness我们面前,满目都是未受惩戒的邪恶。
18.A disciplinary hearing, eg of a soldier accused of an offence惩戒审讯(如审问违纪士兵者)

1.The discipline right has been the focus of the former.随着中国民主法制建设日趋完善,教育法学的理论和实践的研究成为教育研究的重点,惩戒权是教育法学研究的热点。
2.Teachers’discipline power is a quite disputable issue, but also a problem that can’t be avoided.教师惩戒权是一个颇有争议的问题,同时也是一个不容回避的问题。
3.Moderate and reasonable discipline takes essential importance in keeping the order of teaching.惩戒是教育活动的内在要求和必要组成部分,也是学生受教育权利充分实现的可靠保障。
1.The period of Shikai Yuan Government was from 1912 to 1916, which enacted aseries of civilian reprimand statutes and constituted a special institution------CivilianReprimand Committee ensured the national administration departments and civilians who could fulfil authority exactly, otherwise who violated the statutes would be punished.这一时期袁世凯政府相继出台了一系列关于文官惩戒方面的法规法令,还成立了专门机构—文官惩戒委员会,依法对违法违纪的官吏进行惩处,以保证国家行政机关及其工作人员能够正确履行职权。
2.During teaching practice,the needs to reprimand punish students for their mistakes had been promoed for maintaining orders,hankering for free development and acquiring of educational banefit.教育教学活动中,秩序的维护、自由的追求、教育利益的获得,都促使了对学生违规行为进行惩戒的需要。
4)chastisement n.惩戒;惩罚
5)penalty of breaking faith失信惩戒
1.On Reasonable Judicial Review of Punishment Inflicted by Universities on Students;在处理好"特别权力关系"理论与高校治理关系、"大学自治"与司法权关系的前提下,应建立起有效的司法监督机制,以保障学生免受高校惩戒行为的侵害;在综合考虑高校惩戒行为的主体、权力的属性、事务的性质等诸种因素的基础上,应在民事诉讼和行政诉讼之间选择合理的司法介入方式。

惩戒惩戒discipline 惩戒(diseipline)一种正式的管理技术,是指管理者凭借权力,利用惩罚手段,旨在纠正、控制或影响下属的与组织要求相悖的行为。实施惩戒必须依据政策或正式的奖惩方案,有法规方面的明文规定,领导不可随意乱来或任意解释。惩戒的方法很多,它包括停职降薪、开除解雇、调换岗位、降职或永不晋升以及各种形式的批评,如口头或书面上的批评、警告、记过等。惩戒的范围很广,如缺勤、旷职、斗殴、窃盗、饮酒、赌博、吸毒、违反操作规程和安全制度等。但均需事前用法规、章程、制度等形式作出明令,晓喻下属,不可言之不预。一旦惩戒不当便会导致失败。其失败原因主要有缺乏明确规章、轻重失当、缺乏客观证据、偏见不公、记录不当等。有效的惩戒必须做到对事不对人、惩前毖后、政策一贯、及时而不轻率,从教育目的出发并不失对人的尊重等。 (孙俊山撰张交审)