1.The Entanglement between"Cai"(Property) and"De"(Virtue):The Focal Point and Tendency of the Research on Chinese Women's Dowry in America Academic Circle“财”与“德”的纠葛——近年美国学界关于中国妇女嫁妆研究的焦点与趋向
2.Relative to a set of analytical conceptions of wealth and consumption goods and relative to an understanding of the cross-culturaUy recognizable differences among payments,gifts,bequests and inheritances,this paper is a constructive critique of the well-known book by Jack Goody and Stanley Tambiah (1973),Bridewealth and Dowry.杰克·古迪(Jack Goody)和斯坦利·坦比亚(Stanley Tambiah)的名著《聘礼与嫁妆》,其框架有助于提出分析婚姻及相关社会经济过程的新的基本理论概念。
3.Based on the investigation in a village in south of Shandong province, the article shows that whether the parents donate the doctor dowry or not and how much the dowry is worth, are not a simple economic issue.本文以山东南部一个村落的田野资料为基础,表明嫁妆的有无与价值的多少并非一个单纯的经济问题,它与女子在接受妻子集团的生活、与两个联姻家族之间的姻亲关系息息相关。

1.To provide with a share, an inheritance, or a dowry.给予部分遗产或嫁妆
2.a fair face is half a portion.美貌等于一半嫁妆
3.The daughter was to have but a slender provision.女儿只能得到一份菲薄的嫁妆
4.Her sister gave her a cushion for her bottom drawer.她姐姐送给她一个靠垫作嫁妆
5.The chest was made for a bride's trousseau.这个柜子是为新娘的嫁妆而做的。
6.the groom and his relatives come for the bride and take her to his home along with the dowry.新郎和他的亲戚来接新娘及嫁妆回家。
7.A great dowry is a Bed full of Brambles.满屋的嫁妆犹如满床荆棘。
8.Her father planned to give her a new car for her bottom drawer.她父亲计划给她买一辆新车作嫁妆
9.Reporter: She took out and put on the jewelries that were intended for her wedding?记:她还把当年准备的嫁妆拿出戴上了?
10.She knows that these linen sheets were part of my trousseau;她知道这亚麻床单是我嫁妆的一部分;
11.I was not at all embarrassed : "For my trousseau."我大言不惭地说:“我要备嫁妆哩。”
12.preparing her dowry and receiving instructions,准备嫁妆并接受母亲的训导:
13.Money or property brought by a bride to her husband at marriage.嫁妆结婚时新娘带给其夫的钱财
14.then the two families get together to talk about the dowry,双方家庭就聚在一起讨论嫁妆
15.His family hoped that his bride would bring a large dowry.他的家人希望新娘能带来丰厚的嫁妆
16.Reporter: Why bought that jewelry at that time? Was she getting married at that time?记:当时为什么会想到买嫁妆,真的是准备嫁人了吗?
17.Her father give her the two book he have write as her dowry.作为她的嫁妆,她父亲将自己写的两本书给了她。
18.for storage of clothing (trousseau) and household goods in anticipation of marriage.用来存放结婚用的衣服(嫁妆)和家用物品的箱子。

marriage portion嫁妆
1.But in Tang, Song, Ming and Qing dynasty, daughters can inherit `marriage portion and family estate according to the common law and customs, which indicates that there is conflict between the traditional and the common on women s estate heritance.但是,唐、宋以及明清的法律以及法律习惯上女儿是可以继承一定的"嫁妆"和财产的。
4)dowry;marriage portion;trousseau妆奁; 嫁妆
5)Dowry fund嫁妆基金
1.The purpose of this paper is to review the process and function of Dowry fund system in Renaissance Florence.本文考察了文艺复兴时期佛罗伦萨的嫁妆基金制度。
2.Dowry fund was a method which was used to collect dowry funds and settle finance difficulties in Florence Public during 15th and 16th century.嫁妆基金是15-16世纪佛罗伦萨共和国实行的一种募集婚嫁费用和解决财政困难的手段。
6)indirect dowry间接嫁妆
