1.Study on Abandonment in Marine Insurance Business and Its Legal Force;论海上保险业务中的委付及其法律效力
2.Study on the Legal Issues Related to Abandonment in Marine Insurance;海上保险中委付的法律问题研究
3.Study of the Abandonment in Marine Insurance;海上保险委付基本问题研究

1.reasonable notice of abandonment(保险) 适当的委付通知
2.notice of baandonment(海上保险) 委付通知书
3.The abandonment shall not be attached with any conditions. Once the abandonment is accepted by the insurer, it shall not be withdrawn.委付不得附带任何条件。委付一经保险人接受,不得撤回。
4.Escrow accounts for property taxes and insurance payments are required.附带条件委付盖印契约帐号是匮?税捐及保险支付所需要的。
5.Article250 Where the insurer has accepted the abandonment, all rights and obligations relating to the property abandoned are transferred to the insurer.第二百五十条保险人接受委付的,被保险人对委付财产的全部权利和义务转移给保险人。
6.Abandonment appears in the ship insurance contract of marine insurance first.委付最初出现于海上保险中的船舶保险合同中。
7.To give over or entrust for safekeeping.托付,寄存委托保管,托付
8.exact payment(from a client)逼迫(委托人)付款
9.The committee authorized the payment of the money.委员会批准该款之支付。
10.Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems支付和清算制度委员会
11.Housing Authority funded item房委会款项支付项目
12.Motivating Model Construction of the Payment Term of Project Audit Based on the Theory of Agency and Game Theory委托代理理论下工程委托审计付费激励模式
13.irrevocable documentary payment order不可撤销跟单付款委托书
14.Committee on Payment System [Hong Kong Monetary Authority]支付系统委员会〔香港金融管理局〕
15.Mr. Thomas entrusts the Bank of Paris to pay money to us.托马斯先生委托巴黎银行向我们付款。
16.Coordination Committee on Multilateral Payments Arrangements多边支付安排协调委员会
17.The solicitor paid the fine on behalf of his client.沙律师代表诉讼委托人支付了罚款(金)。
18.The principal shall prepay the expenses for handling the entrusted affair.第三百九十八条委托人应当预付处理委托事务的费用。

entrusting payment委托付款
1.It is important to standardize the way of entrusting payment by the process of controlling payments and accounts to give it full play ."委托付款"在基建工程中能够加速资金周转,节约成本,有效扼制"三角债",但也存在着付款风险和纳税等方面的问题。
1.Every nation has different rules of abandonment in their legislations .委付制度作为一项古老的法律制度,在海上保险领域为保护被保险人的特殊需要,鼓励和保护海上运输及促进贸易发挥了重要的作用。
4)notice of abandonment委付通知
5)Effect of Abandonment委付效果
6)causes for abandonment委付原因

委付是指一方对另一方以明确方式表示,就其财产、权利、利益所作的抛弃。在海上保险中常作为处理保险标的损失的一种手段。当保险标的虽未达到全部损失,但有全部损失的可能;或其修理费用将超过本身价值时,被保险人可以将其残余利益,或标的上所有一切权利,表示转移给保险人,而要求按推定全损(constructivetotalloss)给予赔偿。但委付须经保险人同意接受,方能成立。 保险人一般在接受委付前,要事先加以慎重了解,查明损失原因是否在保险责任范围以内,研究了解是否有扩大或超出赔款的可能,以及对第三者责任,如清除航道的责任等。 委付时,被保险人必须向保险人提出书面通知(noticeortenderofsubrogation),如经保险人接受并同意给付赔偿时,尚须从被保险人方面取得授权书(letterofsubrogation),保险人据以取得对该项标的的代位求偿权(rightofsubrogation),即行完成委付手续。