1.To preserve morality order, to maintain intersexual interests and rights, the laws on aspects of abnormal sexual conduct, rape in marriage, incapability of sex, communicate dose, valid marriage, adultery, sexual deal, rape, sexual harassment and should be improved in the spirit of realistic and creative approach.两性关系主要是指性行为所引起的两性之间的人身关系,我国现行法律回避了两性关系中的诸多问题,应以求实创新的精神在变态性行为、婚内强奸、传播性病、性无能、事实婚姻、婚外通奸、性交易、强奸和性骚扰等方面完善立法,以捍卫人伦秩序,维护两性的权益。
2.The third party’s intervention refers to adultery and cohabitation,which is decided by instituting divorce proceedings in general.“第三者介入”行为通常指通奸、姘居,对此,一般通过离婚诉讼程序来解决。

1.One who commits adultery.通奸者犯有通奸罪的人
2.The act or an instance of adultery.通奸通奸的行为或例子
3.A woman who commits adultery.奸妇犯有通奸罪的妇女
4.Relating to, inclined to, or marked by adultery.通奸的关于,倾向于,或以通奸为标志的
5.an adulterous relationship; extramarital affairs; the extracurricular activities of a philandering husband.通奸关系;私通的事;调情的丈夫的通奸行为。
6.Lex lulia de ambitu关于通奸罪的尤利亚法
7.conceived in adultery.被认为有通奸行为的。
8.Sexual intercourse between partners who are not married to each other.私通,通奸并非夫妻的两人进行的性交
9.In America, one should never admit to having com-mitted adultery, much less having enjoyed it.在美国,人们绝不能承认有通奸行为,更不用提享受通奸了。
10.It was proved that his wife had misconducted herself with several men.他太太被证实曾与几个男人通奸
11.a woman who has an ongoing extramarital sexual relationship with a man.正在与一个男人私下通奸的女人。
12.Not true or constant to one's sexual partner.通奸的对性伴侣不忠实或改变的
13.Of or involved in a sexual relationship.通奸的属于或卷入性关系的
14.scarlet letter红a字(昔时被判通奸罪者所带的标记)
15.The marriage system create a new sport - adultery.婚姻制度创造了一项新游戏——通奸
16.Adultery by the woman is the only ground for divorce mentioned by him.他举出只有妻子通奸,才是离婚的理由。
17.His wife accused him of committ adultery with miss x .他的妻子指控他与某小姐通奸
18.In ancient India, adultery was punished by amputation of the nose.在古代印度,通奸要受到剖鼻的处罚。

criminal conversation私通,通奸
1.Inspection on the Crime of Committing Adultery in the Criminal Law in Republic of Korea;韩国刑法上的通奸罪考察
4)novel of adultery通奸小说
