1.Discussion on Condemnation of Kidnapping Happened with a Good Reason——Comment on the Judicial Interpretation of Kidnapping for Dun in Supreme Court;事出有因的绑架行为定性之商讨——兼评最高人民法院关于“索债型”绑架的司法解释
2.On conditions variable of kidnapping and its preventive values;绑架犯罪的条件变量及其预防价值
3.The current issues of kidnapping crimes in Fuzhou and its countermeasures;当前福州绑架犯罪现状与对策

1.One, such as a kidnapper, that abducts.诱拐者,绑架者实施绑架的人,如绑架
2.-Kidnapping's gonna help.- 绑架兴许管用.
3.The principle of kidnapping is not considering the hostage as a person.绑架的原则就是不把绑架对象当人看
4.Rethinking on Kidnapping of "the Killing of the Abducted People"绑架罪中“杀害被绑架人”的再认识
5.There is no sign of a let-up in the hijack crisis.绑架危机毫无缓和迹象.
6.It forbids the abduction and kidnapping of women.禁止拐卖、绑架妇女;
7.ransom a kidnapped diplomat赎回被绑架的外交官
8.The kidnappers gave him another turn of the screw.绑架者对他施加压力。
9.The boy was kidnapped and killed.男孩被绑架,杀害了。
10.The sinister and vicious robbers kidnapped the professor.歹毒的强盗绑架了教授。
11.On the Act of Perpetrating in the Crime of Kidnapping;论绑架罪的实行行为——兼谈绑架罪立法的完善
12.Failure to report a kidnapping is a federal offense,even if it's your own daughter that's been taken.隐瞒绑架案情不报触犯联邦法律 即使被绑架的是你自己的女儿
13.Kidnappers causing the death of their hostages or killing their hostages are to be sentenced to death and their property confiscated.致使被绑架人死亡或者杀害被绑架人的,处死刑,并处没收财产
14.On the Explanation and Application of Amended Constitution of Kidnap-Also on the Modification of Amendment VII to Criminal Code论绑架罪的修正构成的解释与适用——兼评修正案对绑架罪的修改
15.Gibson kidnapped her and robbed her of classified information.吉布森绑架了她并夺取了机密情报.
16.The kid kidnapper can't get rid of a ridiculous kidney disease.绑架小孩的家伙无法摆脱荒谬的肾病。
17.urban guerrillas,ie terrorists operating in urban areas by kidnapping,etc城市游击队员(进行绑架等的).
18.these kidnappers built their own private cell phone network?绑架者建造了他们自己的手机网络

1.Trial Remark on the Concept of Kidnapping Crime and the Criminal Constitution;试论绑架罪的概念及犯罪构成
2.With the development of economy, the case of kidnapping for extortion of money takes on some new characters.绑架是一种严重危害社会的行为,随着经济的发展,以勒索财物为目的的绑架案件又出现了一些新特点。
3.In judicial practice,there are different understandings of "causing the hostage kidnapped to death" and "killing the hostage kidnapped".司法实践中对于"致使被绑架人死亡"和"杀害被绑架人"的理解存有分歧。
4)crime of kidnapping绑架罪
1.As the right of personal freedom violated by the crime of kidnapping includes the hostage s right of body movement freedom and the third party s right of decision freedom,the crime of kidnapping is a compound but simple behavioral crime,namely its finished state consists of detaining hostages and raising illegal requests.由于绑架罪所侵犯的人身自由权包括了人质的身体活动自由权和第三人的意思决定自由权,所以决定了绑架罪是复合行为犯而非简单行为犯,即其完成形态由扣押人质与提出非法要求两行为组成。
2.The standard of accomplished offense of the crime of kidnapping is that kidnapping behavior substantially controls the hostage and actually puts the hostage under the control of the kidnapper.绑架罪的既遂以绑架行为实际控制人质,将人质置于行为人实际支配之下为标准。
3.Theoretical and practical difference concerning the crime of kidnapping is whether the objective aspects of it is a single act or compound acts,and the object of the crime is a single object or complex object.绑架罪的既遂标准问题实质就是对于绑架罪的客观行为要件与客体要件的判断问题。
5)kidnapping crime绑架罪
1.According to the penal provision,it is called kidnapping crime that the criminal killing the victim after kidnapping,and the kidnappinga nd killing should be implicated offender;but it is cumulative punishment that the criminal robbing the victim after kidnapping.刑法规定,行为人绑架被害人后又将其杀害的依绑架罪论处,绑架杀人的犯罪形态应是牵连犯;绑架后又对被害人抢劫的,应对绑架罪与抢劫罪予以数罪并罚;绑架罪包含了两个具体构成要件,即敲诈勒索罪和非法拘禁罪。
2.The kidnapping crime act of a perpetrator is a sole behavior,and the standard of judging it is whether the perpetrator controls the victim.绑架罪的实行行为是单一行为,应当以行为人实施的绑架行为是否达到以实力支配、控制被害人的程度作为认定该罪既遂的标准。
3.With regard to the action of robbing the victim s possessions in the course of kidnapping crime, Because criminal commits two kinds of completely different criminal requisites facts based on different criminal intents, who should adopt combined punishment for kidnapping crime and robbing crime.对于行为人在绑架过程中劫取被绑架人财物的行为,因是基于两个不同的犯意而实施的两个完全不同的犯罪构成事实,应以绑架罪和抢劫罪数罪并罚;现行刑法第239条中规定的“杀害被绑架人”此一绝对适用死刑的情节,应解释为一种加重结果,亦即所谓的“杀害”是指“杀死”;而该条对“致死被绑架人死亡”此一情节简单配置唯一刑种死刑的做法,显与罪责刑相适应原则相悖,因而有必要予以完善。
6)kidnapping and robbing绑架抢劫
