1.At the same time, the analysis of the non-obviousness of a patent--one of the substantial conditions for inventive patent-- is a crucial problem which is difficult to understand.然而,专利的创造性又称非显而易见性的判断确是专利法律中的一个关键而难以把握的法律问题。

1.To be patentable an invention must be novel, useful and non-obvious.要获得专利,发明必须具备新颖性、用性和非显而易见性
2.The Innovation and Inspiration of the Non-Obviousness Standard of Invention Patent in the U.S.;美国发明专利非显而易见性判断标准改革及其启示
3.His coldness was not always apparent.他的冷淡并非总是显而易见。
4.I wasn't about to argue,but the bias was obvious.我不会去争辩,但性别偏见显而易见。
5.the quality of being more noticeable than anything else.比别的东西更加显而易见的性质。
6.These truths were by no means self-evident when Galileo first suggested them.伽里略首次提出这些真理时决非显而易见。
7.Her displeasure was obvious.她的不悦是显而易见的。
8.That can be seen with half an eye .那是显而易见的事。
9.a conspicuous indication.显而易见的突出标志。
10.a noticeable resemblance.显而易见的相似之处。
11.made an effort to cover all the reading material; wished him luck in his endeavor; she gave it a good try.她的努力是显而易见的。
12.Surely that's obvious, isn't it?那是显而易见的,不是吗?
13.restated the oBvious.再说这一显而易见的事
14.several conspicuous errors几个显而易见的错误
15."Ah, that's very apparent!"哎,这是显而易见的事嘛!
16.Evidently he lived in this vicinity.显而易见他就住在附近。
17.the mutuality of their affection was obvious.他们的友爱显而易见。
18.a perceptible sense of expectation in the court; an obvious (or palpable) lie.法庭上显而易见的期待感;一个显而易见的(或明显的)谎言。

3)non-obviousness of an invention发明的非显而易见性
4)stick out a mile显而易见
5)easily oBservaBle显而易见的
6)And the truth is plain to see.而真理显而易见.
