1.A new research on the basic issue of the crime of affray——Taking the judcial suggestions of Shanghai,Jiangsu and Zhejiang for example;聚众斗殴罪基本问题新探究——以沪、苏、浙三地司法意见为样本
2.Relevant Issues on the Crime of Affray;聚众斗殴罪相关问题研究
3.A Probe into Affray;聚众斗殴罪疑难问题研究

1.The Difference Between the Crime of Provocation and Affray;浅析寻衅滋事罪与聚众斗殴罪的区别
2.the size of crowds assembled to have brawls is large, and bad social effects have been caused;聚众斗殴人数多,规模大,社会影响恶劣的
3.Characteristic of Crime of Affray and It s Judicial Review;论聚众斗殴罪的客观特征及其司法认定
4.Issues on Conviction and Punishment of Affray Crime Based on a Typical Case;从一件典型案例看聚众斗殴罪的定罪量刑问题
5.Research on the Defining of the Crime of Affray in Judicial Practice;聚众斗殴罪司法认定中的若干问题研究
6.crowds are assembled for brawls in public places or main thoroughfares, and serious social disorders have been caused在公共场所或者交通要道聚众斗殴,造成社会秩序严重混乱的
7.A new research on the basic issue of the crime of affray--Taking the judcial suggestions of Shanghai,Jiangsu and Zhejiang for example;聚众斗殴罪基本问题新探究——以沪、苏、浙三地司法意见为样本
8.In cases where a crowd is assembled to have brawls, ringleaders and other active participants are to be sentenced to not more than three years of fixed-term imprisonment, criminal detention, or control聚众斗殴的,对首要分子和其他积极参加的,处三年以下有期徒刑、拘役或者管制
9.Whoever assembles a crowd to have brawls, thus causing a person serious injuries or death, is to be convicted and punished according to articles 234 and 232 of this Law聚众斗殴,致人重伤、死亡的,依照本法第二百三十四条、第二百三十二条的规定定罪处罚
10.The Existing Probloms of Public Security Prevention-Control System in Rural Society and the Countermeasures Based on "3·20" Case of Affray从“3·20”聚众斗殴案看农村社会治安防控体系中存在的问题及治理对策
11.Public drunkenness, resisting arrest, and battery are misdemeanors.在公众场合酗酒、拒捕、斗殴属于轻罪。
12.The policemen stopped the fight.警察制止了这场斗殴。
13.No arguments or fights are allowed.没有争吵与打架斗殴。
14.We must put a stop to the fight.我们必须制止这场殴斗。
15.A fight with the bare fists.拳斗用光拳头的殴打
16.He was mauled (about)by the angry crowd.他被愤怒的群众围殴。
17.An illegal, organized fight betwen dogs, arranged for spectator entertainment and betting.斗狗用以聚众娱乐和赌博的非法组织的斗狗
18.A physical conflict between two or more individuals.格斗两人或多个人之间身体上的斗殴

The crime of affray聚众斗殴
1.The crime of affray is decomposed from hooliganism set by the previous Criminal Law.聚众斗殴罪系从修订前《刑法》规定的流氓罪分解而来。
2.Taken into effect on 1997, the statute in present Crime Law regulating the crime of affray is too simple and unspecific, which hardly satisfy criminal actual judicial practice and results in various problems in judicial practice.聚众斗殴罪是1979年刑法中的流氓罪(俗称“口袋罪”)中分解出来的一个罪名。
1.Research on Judicial Discretion of Affray;聚众斗殴罪司法适用研究
4)crowds are assembled on many occasions to have brawls多次聚众斗殴的
5)crowds are assembled for brawls with tools.持械聚众斗殴的
6)Assembling Brawl论聚众斗殴罪
