1.On Necessity of Constructing Rules of Voluntary Confession;构建我国供认自愿性规则的必要性
2.In traditional theory and practice,voluntary is the foundation and core of the arbitration.传统理论与实践都认为,自愿性是仲裁的基础和核心。
3.The connotation of voluntary self-confession shall be clearly defined from the aspects of entity and procedure in order to construct the principle of voluntary self-confession in China.自白任意性规则为英美法和大陆法所公认,我国刑事诉讼法虽有类似规定,但实体规定粗疏并缺乏程序保障措施,应明确供认自愿性的含义并从实体和程序两个方面来构建我国供认自愿性规则。

1.Involuntary unemplyment is pervasive.非自愿性失业普遍出现。
2.Economic Analysis on Voluntary Migration for Chinese Rural Involuntary Resettlees中国农村非自愿性移民自愿迁移的经济分析
3.The Compulsive Migration of Construction and Chinese Juridical Tradition;工程性非自愿性移民与中国法律传统
4.Voluntary Building Safety Inspection Scheme自愿性质楼宇安全检验计划
5.government's voluntary contribution [Civil Service Provident Fund Scheme]政府的自愿性供款〔公务员公积金计划〕
6.The basic feature of positive comity is its voluntariness.积极礼让的基本特征是它的自愿性
7.agreement in the voluntary sector [HOKLAS]自愿性测试的协议〔认可计划〕
8.Basic salary is used in the calculation of voluntary contributions only.基本入息只适用于计算自愿性供款。
9.Voluntary Disclosure Based on XBRL: Incentives and Constraint;基于XBRL的自愿性披露:激励与约束
10.A Research on Voluntary Disclosure of Chinese Listed Companies;中国上市公司自愿性信息披露的研究
11.The Interests Weighting of Voluntary Information Disclosures of Listed Company;上市公司自愿性信息披露的利益权衡
12.The System Innovation of Environmental Regulation:Voluntary Environmental Agreements;环境规制的制度创新:自愿性环境协议
13.Legal Regulation on Voluntary Information Disclosure of Listed Company;上市公司自愿性信息披露的法律规制
14.Voluntary Unemployment of College Graduates: An Analysis of the Cause and their Psychology;大学生自愿性失业的成因及心理分析
15.The Investors Response to the Reason of Voluntary Auditor Changes;自愿性审计师变更原因与投资者反应
16.A Game Theoretic Approach to Voluntary Disclosure Credibility Mechanism;自愿性信息披露诚信机制的博弈分析
17.A National Difference Analysis of Voluntary Disclosure and its Enlightenments;自愿性信息披露的国别差异及其启示
18.Discussion on the Practice of Voluntary GPP Verification Principle on the Community Pharmacy;药店实施GPP认证自愿性原则探讨

1.This paper gives an analysis of China s traditional contracts of buying and selling,pawn,marriage and families to explore their unwillingness and inequality.与此相反,中国传统契约活动具有非自愿性和不平等性。
3)voluntary standards自愿性标准
1.The analysis shows that the federal government agencies adopt voluntary standards is really a beneficial revolution.本文对美国联邦政府采用的标准类别,及各主要联邦机构,诸如美国国防部(DoD),美国消费品安全委员会(CPSC)等实施NTTAA后产生的经济效益进行了分析,说明联邦政府机构采用自愿性标准是一种有效益的技术变革。
4)voluntary information自愿性信息
1.The article analyzes voluntary information disclosure index based on the 248 listed companies′ financial reporting in the year of 2005.上市公司2005年对外公布的年报、中报、季报、临时公告等信息资料为样本,分析其自愿性信息披露指数(VDI),指出当前我国上市公司自愿性信息披露存在自愿披露项目数量偏少,自愿披露项目信息含量偏低的问题,并针对其产生的原因,提出了鼓励上市公司自愿性信息披露,促进上市公司治理结构和内部控制制度的完善,提高上市公司的自身素质,加强对自愿性信息披露行为的审计监管等建议。
2.As the capital market develops,the idea of voluntary information disclosure becomes a central issue of economics.随着我国资本市场的发展,自愿性信息披露将呈增长趋势,加强自愿性信息披露的有关问题研究,有利于推动和引导我国自愿性信息披露工作的开展。
3.We design the voluntary information disclosure items, mainly about the company background information, the employee information, the management information, the forecast information.由于我国资本市场起步较晚,发育还不完善,目前只有强制性要求披露的信息,对自愿性信息的披露研究还不充分,缺少相关部门的指引和监管。
5)voluntary demand自愿性需求
6)voluntary disclosure自愿性披露
1.Nowadays the security market attaches more and more importance to voluntary disclosure and credit construction,so a study of correlation between voluntary disclosure and security credit must be helpful and important.目前,证券市场对上市公司自愿性披露和信用建设日益重视,因此,对我国上市公司自愿性披露的状况及与公司证券信用的关系的研究,十分具有现实意义。
2.This paper first introduces the development in the disclosure of MRIC: from voluntary disclosure to mandatory disclosure.文章首先介绍了美国内部控制报告由自愿性披露到强制性披露的发展历程,并结合我国上市公司的内部控制情况,就完善控制信息披露提出了几点建议。
3.This paper puts forward a paradox of voluntary disclosure of earnings forecast to listed companies.本文提出了一个关于上市公司盈利预测信息自愿性披露的悖论。

自愿性认证(见产品合格认证)自愿性认证(见产品合格认证)voluntary certification: see product conformity certification  Z叨anxing renzheng自愿性认证(volun娜cert讥cation)合格认证。见产品