1.The county of Guan is Er Lang s birthplace.通过大量资料展现了二郎神与古蜀地四川的关系,揭示了四川是二郎神出生地的可能性。
2.With regard to Monarch Shun s birthplace,there formerly were four sorts of accounts and six sorts of interpretations.关于舜帝的出生地,历代主要有4种记载,6种解说。

1.a meeting-place, birthplace, hiding-place, etc会面地点、 出生地、 隐蔽所
2.Document giving details of a person 's date and place of birth载有某人出生日和出生地细情的文件
3.Document give details of a person's date and place of birth.载有某人出生日和出生地细情的文件。
4.Is Beijing your birthplace?北京是你的出生地吗?
5.I was born in Beijing.我的出生地是北京。
6.The place of his birth is ShenYang.他的出生地是沈阳。
7.What is your birthplace?你的出生地在哪里? ?
8.My Birthplace is Guangzhou.我的出生地是广州。
9.have a sentimental attachment to one's birth-place对出生地有眷恋之情
10.He proposed that the new town be named Argyle after the one where he was born.就提出了将他的新居住地以他的出生地Argyle命名。
11.The place where someone is born or where something originates.某人的出生地或某物的发源地
12.the principle that a person's nationality at birth is determined by the place of birth.一个人出生时的国籍决定于出生地的法律规则。
13.one's place of birth/death出生[死亡]之地.
14.Your birth certificate says when and where you were born.你的出生证写明你的出生时间和地点。
15.Where were you born? I was born in Hubei.你在什么地方出生的?我出生于湖北。
16."When and where were you born?""I was born in Taiyuan in 1987."“她出生在什么地方?”“她出生在上海。”
17.My husband is out of town just now.我先生出门到外地去了。
18.(geology) before the appearance of life.(地质学)在生命出现之前。

birth place出生地
1.This paper analyzes migration situation in China based on the birth place data from the 2000 Census, It involves the matter of the size of the migration, change, rate, and move orientation.基于2000年人口普查的出生地资料,分析了中国人口迁移态势,包括外地出生人口的数量、变动、比率和流动方向。
4)birth place出生地点
6)Birth place data出生地资料

出生威力地华藏世界【出生威力地华藏世界】  此第八重世界,依种种宝色莲华座虚空海住,其状犹如因陀罗网。八佛刹微尘数世界围绕,佛号广大名称智海幢。(因陀罗网,即天帝网也。)