1.But whose thought still has not surpassed the thought of people-oriented and the idea of rule by people.与西方近代的民主法治思想相比,中国传统文化中只有民本与人治观念,即便是被后人普遍推崇的黄宗羲,其思想仍然没有超出民本与人治的范畴。
2.Its historical progress rooted in its elements of thinking highly of people, benefiting people, making people rich, people-oriented , etc, historically has brought up a number of enlightened emperor and virtuous officials, created many periods of peace and prosperity, objectively provided standard of value and resources of intelligence for creating Chinese brilliant ancient civilization.本文回答影响中国法治建设进程的三个基本问题:中国法治道路应当怎样选择?对过去六十年法治历程应当怎样看?我们选择和实践的法治道路是否经过论证?而上述问题的答案涉及到民本思想、民主精神、法治理想的辩证解读。
3.We want to discuss the political governance model of Huang Zongxi, with two fulcrums: people-oriented and public reasoning.本文认为黄宗羲的政论文集《明夷待访录》中“民本”与“公议”思想是两个体现其政治治理模式的系统集合点,由此出发研究其政治治理模式。

1.The Legal Basis of Governing for the People:Discuss with People-foundation Theory Individuals民主与民本辨析——兼与“新民本论者”商榷
2.From the "People-centered" Concept to the Realization of the "People-centralism";从“民本位”思想到民本主义的实现
3.Discussion on Construction of People s Livelihood of People-oriented Yueyang;“民本岳阳”民生建设基本对策探讨
4.A Beginning from the People-first Idea toward Democracy--A Concurrent Comment on“the People-first Limit”;从民本走向民主的开端——兼评所谓“民本的极限”
5.On Civil-Oriented Thought of"the People Are the Foundation of the State and the State will Serve Its People"in Early China;论中国早期“民惟邦本,本固邦宁”的民本思想
6.The colonists displaced the natives.殖民者转移了本地居民。
7.The people are a nation's source of economic strength, sufficient food to sustain them, their main preoccupation国以民为本民以食为天
8.An Exploration of Views of Civil Law Standard;民法本位观探正——质疑民法社会本位说
9.Yao Nai’s people essential thought reflected in his loving and helping the people;论姚鼐爱民、济民和以民为本的思想
10.a native or inhabitant of North America.北美洲的本地人或居民。
11.a native or inhabitant of South America.南美洲的本地人或居民。
12.But I'm not a resident here.但我不是本地居民,
13.a native or inhabitant of Alsace.阿尔萨斯州的本地居民。
14.a native or inhabitant of Poland.波兰的本地人或者居民。
15.a native or inhabitant of Peru.秘鲁的本地人或居民。
16.a native or inhabitant of Paraguay.巴拉圭的本地人或居民。
17.a native or inhabitant of Tonga.汤加的本地人或居民。
18.a native or inhabitant of Sweden.瑞典的本地人或者居民。

1.Mencius developed the concept of people-orientation to its zenith with the statement that the only requirement for one to be an emperor was the acceptance by the people, hence the negation of the absolute legitimacy of the sovereignty.孔、孟学说对民本思想有更完备的论述,孟子指出只有被人民接受才有资格作天子,否定君权的无条件合理性,倡言“民贵君轻”,把民本观发挥到了极致。
1.Confucius s people-based thinking in China and its significance;孔子的民本思想及其意义
2.People-based" thought spread through the whole Chinese literature history, it can embodies the essence of form of government and explain some economic phenomenon reasonably till primary stage of socialism, "people-based" means people is foundation of country, and the ruler puts the benefit of people on the first when he manages a country.“民本”思想传承于整个中华文化,直至社会主义初级阶段,它依然能够体现政体本质,并能为某些经济现象做出合理解释。
3.The paper holds the idea that the pre-Qin outlook of war experienced four patterns: the destiny outlook of war, people-based outlook of war, utilitarian outlook of war, and the primary mergence of different outlooks of war.本文认为,先秦战争观大约经历了四种形态:天命战争观、民本战争观、功利战争观和战争观的初步融合。
4)Min Ben民本
1.The Thought of the Improving Livelihood of the Early Reformer and the Min Ben Theory;论早期维新派的民生改良思想与民本主义
5)people as foundation民本
1.There are four inseparatable partsin theideas of Mencius Virtuous Administration: natural goodness; correlation between "heaven" and human beings; people as foundation; and benevolent government.孟子的德治思想由性善论、天人观、民本思想、仁政学说等互相联系、不可分割的四个部分组成。
2.Finding the Heaven as the missing factor in the traditional view, the article brings forward a new opinion about the formation of the thought of People As Foundation,and it is the mode of three factors about .关于民本思想的形成,先前的研究者多认为是统治者恐惧于民众的力量,因现实政治的需要而提出以民为本。
6)the ideal that the people are the foundation of a country民本*

民本1.民众是国家的根本。 2.民间的奏本。