1.On the Liability of the Complicity in Terms of Imputation and Culpability;从归责与负责论共犯责任
2.This paper discusses the imputation criterion of a listed company, its directors, supervisory directors, officers and CPAs in civil procedure for misrepresentation.本文对上市公司法人、董事、监事、经理以及注册会计师的虚假陈述民事责任的归责原则进行理论分析,认为对于上市公司应当采用无过错原则,而对其他主体则应当采用过错推定原则,以充分保护投资者利益。
3.The imputation of civil liability refers to criterion decision by which the party must undertake responsibility for all the serious consequences arising from the violation of legal obligation.民事责任的归责是指民事行为人违反法定义务或约定义务后,依什么为根据来使行为人承担强制性的不利后果。

1.Definition of liability doctrines and the liability doctrines of the infringement law in China;归责原则的界定与我国侵权法的归责原则
2.Study on Principle of Liability Attribution of Tort Liability in Road Traffic Accident;道路交通事故侵权责任归责原则研究
3.The Analysis of Identify and Procedure of Legal Liability about Release Cargo without Presenting Bill of Lading;无单放货法律责任的归责与程序分析
4.Research on Civil Infringement Responsibility;场所经营人的侵权民事责任归责研究
5.The Study of Law Question on the Principle of International Product Liability Fixation;国际产品责任归责原则法律问题研究
6.On the Doctrine of Liability Fixation of Civil Liability of Certification Authorities;论电子认证机构民事责任的归责原则
7.Thinking on the Determinative Principle to Carrier s Liability in Carriage of Goods by Sea;对海上承运人责任之归责原则的思考
8.The Elements and Liability-attributing Rule of The Infringment of Patent;专利侵权民事责任的构成和归责原则
9.On Principles of Responsibility in China s Road Traffic accidents;我国道路交通事故责任归责原则刍议
10.The Civil Responsibility of Environmental Pollution in Building Construction;建筑施工环境污染民事责任归责原则
11.Research on Inputation Principle of the Administrative Legal Responsibility in Marine Environment海洋环境行政法律责任归责原则研究
12.Discuss the Imputative Principle and the Implementation of Strict Liability in Criminal Law论刑法中严格责任的归责原则及适用
13.Development and Perfection of Product Liability Principle in China我国产品责任归责原则的发展与完善
14.New Textual Research on Principle of Liability--the development trend of fault-liability;民事责任归责原则新论——过错推定规则的演进:现代归责原则的发展
15.No-error Responsbility in Civil Responsbility Attribution;浅谈民事责任归责原则中的无过错责任
16.System of Imputation Principles of Infringement Liability for Absolute Right And its Liability Undertaking;绝对权侵权责任归责原则体系及其责任承担
17.Reach the Same Goal by Different Routes--Analysing the Debate between the Fault Liability and No- fault Liability in Intellectual Property;殊途同归——析知识产权侵权的归责原则之争
18.They heaped blame upon him.他们把责任都归咎于他。

1.Discussion on the ground of liability and punishment of injury accident in school physical education;论学校体育运动中伤害事故的归责与处罚依据
2.This article discusses some theoretic issues of the evolutions,confirmation and application of liability principle of environmental tort,in order to protect people s environmental right.针对环境侵害归责原则的演变、确认和适用作了一些理论探讨 ,以求得更好地保障公民的环境权
3)liability fixation归责
1.The equitable liability in civil law has undergone a tortuous course, developing from the initial case trials to a doctrine of liability fixation of modern civil liabilities.民法中的公平责任从最初的个案尝试 ,经过曲折的历程 ,发展为现代民事责任的一项归责原则 ,它在我国民法中的地位尤为独特 ,既具有独立性 ,又在适用中体现出补充性。
2.There are disagreements between doctrines of concrete accord and doctrines of legally prescribed accord in criminal theories on liability fixation of concrete strike mistake.对于具体的方法错误的归责,刑法理论上主要存在具体符合说和法定符合说的对立。
1.Kant's Views about "Freedom" and "Attribution"康德谈“自由”和“归责
5)belong to duty and no-duty归责与免责
6)imputation principle归责原则
1.Study on Tort Law Imputation Principle;侵权行为法归责原则研究
2.As the development of legal practice of environmental tort in the countries,today's imputation principle of environmental derives from the socialized process which the experiences of imputation principles are from fault liability into fair responsibility into liability without fault.随着各国环境侵权法律实践的发展,环境侵权的归责原则演绎出“过失责任-公平责任-无过失责任”的社会化之路。
3.The Reasonable Persons Criterion and the kind-hearted Father Criterion are the general standard for the traditional tort imputation principle to judge whether the actors is fault."合理人标准"或"善良家父标准"是传统侵权归责原则判断行为人是否有过错的一般性标准。
