1.On the Research of Judicial Relief Institution of Deadlocked Limited Liability Company;有限责任公司僵局状态下的司法救济制度研究
2.Don t worry about deadlock in business negotiation;and the key is to analyze seriously the reasons.现代商务谈判中出现僵局并不可怕。

1.To bring or come to a standstill.成僵局带来或致成僵局
3.A standstill resulting from the opposition of two unrelenting forces or factions.僵局,僵持由两种僵持不下的力量或派别的对立而形成的僵局
4.There were many attempts to break the deadlock.曾经多方设法打破僵局
5.We've come to a dead end in our talks.我们的谈判已陷入僵局
6.reached an impasse in the negotiations.谈判过程中陷入了僵局
7.subject to a stalemate, in chess.在下象棋时陷入僵局
8.Bold talent recovered first.还是英才首先打破僵局
9.The host tell a joke to his guest to break the ice.主人为了打破僵局,给客人讲了个笑话。
10.Till Jim finally broke the ice himself末了,还是吉姆自个儿打破了僵局
11.Otherwise the prospect is for stalemate.不然的话,前景只能是僵局
12.The negotiations had come to a seemingly unbreakable deadlock.谈判到了一个看来已无法打开的僵局
13.His tricks will bring us into a stalemate.他的花招会使我们陷入僵局
14.What we have to do now is to break the ice.我们的当务之急是打开僵局
15.The negotiations reached a deadlock after two hours.谈判进行两小时后便陷入僵局
16.The silence was not very prolonged.沉默的僵局很快被打破了。
17.The negotiations between trade union and the employers are now at a dead end工会与雇主们的谈判现处于僵局
18.I'll break the ice and start a conversation.我一定要打破僵局,然后开始对话。

3)negotiation deadlock协商僵局
1.It is one of the important study tasks for negotiation optimization to solve negotiation deadlocks.解决协商僵局问题是协商优化中的重要研究课题。
4)negotiations deadlock谈判僵局
1.But when the negotiations deadlock appear,how to handle? Nobody study it in theory nowa-day.《劳动合同法》规定制定劳动规章制度必须由用人单位与工会或者职工代表平等协商确定,即法律规定通过劳资双方谈判制定劳动规章制度是必经程序,而实践中出现谈判僵局不可避免。
5)Company deadlock公司僵局
1.As a way of supervising corporate operation and providing legal aids to shareholder s rights,shareholder s lawsuit can balance the abuse of the Majority Rule and restrict Insider Control,thus solve company deadlock.作为监督公司经营、实现股东权的司法救济方式,股东诉讼可以制衡"资本多数决"的滥用、制衡"内部人控制"、化解公司僵局
2.In light of the amendment to Company Law in china recently,this paper discusses the definition of company deadlock,analyzes the theoretical basis of breaking company deadlock,and gives a comparative introduction to relevant legislation and institutions in solving the company deadlock of other countries.结合我国《公司法》的修订,论述了“公司僵局”的定义,破解了公司僵局的理论基础及各国的相关立法与制度,着重探讨了我国实践中公司僵局的类型、新《公司法》中解决“公司僵局”的制度安排,立法争议以及司法实践中解决公司僵局诉讼中存在的问题。
3.Presently, there are so many studies on company deadlock in academic periodical and special field books, for example, analyzing the cause of formation of company deadlock and fixing the boundary of its concept, taking precautions against in advance and relieving approach after the event.目前学术期刊和专业书籍中对公司僵局的成因分析、概念界定、事前预防和事后救济途径多有研讨,但对公司陷入僵局后股东自力救济面临的困境,司法介入公司僵局的理论基础、基本原则、程序选择等问题却未有提及或着墨较少。
6)corporation deadlock公司僵局
1.Studies on Judicial Remedy of Corporation Deadlock;公司僵局司法救济制度研究
