1.A Study on Discretion of the Prosecutor of International Criminal Court;国际刑事法院检察官裁量权研究
2.Executive discretion is popular now.行政诉讼和解存在的有力依据为:现代公共行政已从权力中心走向服务中心和行政裁量权的广泛存在。
3.Thus supervision is necessary for the procuratorate, for it can terminate the process by using its own discretion.公诉机关通过不起诉程序运用自身的裁量权可以终结诉讼,因此应当受到监督。

2.Analysis on the Decision of the Referee Based on the Free Jurisdiction Perspective;“自由裁量权”视角下足球裁判员的判决分析
3.On Some Issues About the Measuring Right of Judges;关于裁判员“自由裁量权”的若干问题分析
4.Analysis on the Decision of the Referee Based on the Free Jurisdiction Perspective试论女子竞技体操裁判评分的自由裁量权
5.Analysis on Influence Factor of the Soccer Referees Exerting the Free Jurisdiction足球裁判行使判罚“自由裁量权”的影响因素探析
6.Constructing Our Country s System of Adjudication Right of Investigation from the Perspective of Human Rights Protection;人权保障视野下我国侦查裁量体制之构建——兼为侦查裁量权辩护
8.On the Rational Exercise of Police Power of Free Executive Decision论警察行政自由裁量权的合理行使
9.The granting of an injunction is at the discretion of the court.强制令的签发属于法院的自由裁量权.
10.The Research on the Administrative Procedure s Control to the Administrative Exertion;行政程序控制行政自由裁量权的研究
11.On Research of Practice of Judge Discretion in Civil Procedure;民事审判中法官自由裁量权运用研究
12.A Comparative Research on Procurator s Discretion in Pre-trial Procedure;审前程序检察官自由裁量权比较研究
13.On the Theory and Reality of Judicial Discretion;论我国法官自由裁量权的理论与现实
14.Soft Law,an Unforgettable Part of Administrative Discretion;软法:行政自由裁量权不该遗忘的角落
15.The Police Administration s Discretion and Its Legal Control;论公安行政自由裁量权及其法律控制
16.Discuss on the nol-pros judgment power of the public procurator and the tendency;我国不起诉裁量权的现状及未来走向
17.Responsibility ethics:rational approach tostandardizing administrative jurisdiction;责任伦理:规范行政自由裁量权的理路
18.On the Relationship between Judge Discretion and Civil Action;论法官自由裁量权与民事诉讼的关系

discretion power裁量权
1.The administrative discretion power of police refers to the potence that police organ and policeman have to obey during the course of the administration.警察行政裁量权是指拥有法律明确授权的公安机关以及警务人员,在符合法律规定的条件下,实施警务行政行为的过程中所拥有的,通过主观的合理判断而做出恰当选择的一种权限,即选择何种行为以及产生何种法律效果的权限。
2.Now every country is different in application of public discretion, discretion power of public prosecution of proc.公诉裁量权是检察机关的一项非常重要的权力。
3.Discretion power of public prosecution is the concrete expression of discretion powering the public prosecution area.公诉裁量权裁量权在公诉领域的具体表现形式。
3)discretionary power自由裁量权
1.A Study on Discretionary Power in U.S. Anti-dumping Law;美国反倾销法自由裁量权问题研究
2.On the discretionary power of criminal non-prosecution论我国刑事不起诉的自由裁量权
3.Demands of justice:expansion and limitation of the discretionary power in public security management公正的诉求:治安管理自由裁量权的扩张与限制
4)right of discretion自由裁量权
1.Discussion on the regulation and execution of right of discretion for fire tighting administrative penalty;论消防行政处罚自由裁量权的规范与实施
2.As the important component of administrative power, the right of discretion is essential in modern administration.公安机关是国家重要的行政执法机关,自由裁量权作为行政权力的重要组成部分,在现代行政管理中是必不可少的,但运用不当,会对行政法治构成威胁。
3.The executing organ needs the right of discretion to solve the problem of local adjustment.在公共政策执行过程中 ,由于公共政策的普遍性与具体执行环境的特殊性之间的矛盾 ,使得执行机关必须行使自由裁量权 ,根据具体执行环境作出适当的政策调整。
1.On the Discretion of the System;论我国自由裁量权制度的构建
2.Traffic Police Discretion of the Deletion of the Harm;交通警察自由裁量权缺失的危害性分析
6)free jurisdiction自由裁量权
1.Discussion to the use of judge s free jurisdiction in divorce casel;论离婚案件中法官自由裁量权的运用
2.The jurisdiction should comply with the law,but judges are not machinery and to realize a legal and reasonable judgment,the judges are entitled free jurisdiction concerning the characteristics of the cases.司法活动本应严格依法进行,但法官毕竟不是机器,而且为了裁判的合法又合理,需要赋予法官考虑案件特殊性的权力,也就是自由裁量权
3.The free jurisdiction of the procuratorial organs exists generally in the various countries judicial practice.检察自由裁量权在各国司法实践中普遍存在。
