1.David Dudley Field and His Draft of Civil Code for New York——Re-discussing the right and wrong of codification after one and a half century;菲尔德及其《纽约民法典草案》——一个半世纪后再论法典编纂之是非
2.The Thoughts of Codification and its Practice of Bentham——Focusing on his Principles of the Civil Code边沁的法典编纂思想与实践——以其《民法典原理》为中心
3.While tracing back to the birth of the English historical law school, America s codification controversy after the America Civil War, the legal education reform in both England and America in the late 19th century and the judicial practice in the United States before 1900, one can easily sense Savigny s influences, w.特别是在19世纪英国历史法学派的产生,美国南北战争后关于法典编纂的讨论,19世纪英国和美国大学法律教育的改革,以及美国司法实践等方面,萨维尼所产生的影响都为其他大陆法系国家的法学家所不及。

1.Codification and Decodification from the Perspective of Comparative Law;比较法视野下的法典编纂与解法典化
2.From the Prospective of the Politicalization and Antipoliticalization of the Compilation of the Civil Code;从民法典编纂的政治化和反政治化角度看民法典编纂的必要性
3.The Comparative Analysis of the Compilation of Iustinianus I's Statute Book Compiles and Compiles with "the Uncivilized Nationalities Statute Book"查士丁尼的法典编纂和“蛮族法典”编纂的比较分析
4.On Legal Evolutionism and Its Enlightenment to the Compiling of Civil Code;法律进化论及其对民法典编纂的启示
5.Brief Analysis of Several Problems in Our Country s Civil Law Code Editing and Compiling Layout;浅析我国民法典编纂体例的几点问题
6.Codification is the highest contribution of jurisprudence.法典编纂是法律文化和法学的最高贡献。
7.The Evolutionary Theory of Law and Its Significance to the Codification of the Civil Law.;法律进化论及其对中国民法典编纂的影响
8.David Dudley Field and His Draft of Civil Code for New York--Re-discussing the right and wrong of codification after one and a half century菲尔德及其《纽约民法典草案》——一个半世纪后再论法典编纂之是非
9.Thinkings on Compilation of the Civil Code of China by Taking Civil Code of Germany for Reference;现今中国民法典编纂借鉴德国民法典的几点思考
10.The Thoughts of Codification and its Practice of Bentham--Focusing on his Principles of the Civil Code边沁的法典编纂思想与实践——以其《民法典原理》为中心
11.The civil law system is based on the Corpus Juris Civilis and follows its tradition of codification.大陆法系以《国法大全》为起点,走向了法典编纂的道路。
12.Consideration of the Amendment of the Criminal and Civil Procedural Act at the End of the Qing Dynasty: Concurrently on the Time,Strategy and Technique of Codification;清末修订《刑事民事诉讼法》论考——兼论法典编纂的时机、策略和技术
13.On the Issue of Legislative System of Intellectual Property Right in the Compilation of Civil Code of China;关于我国民法典编纂中的知识产权立法体例问题
14.of or relating to lexicography.属于或关于词典编纂法的。
15.This commission produced the Codex Constitution.这个委员会编纂了《查士尼丁法典》。
16.Principes de rédaction du Dictionnaire d actualité chinois-franais;从《汉法时事词典》看汉外时事词典的编纂原则
17.To systematize and arrange(laws and regulations) into a code.编纂将(法律和法规)系统化和整理为法典
18.In order to compile this dictionary,为了编纂这本字典,

the compiling of civil code民法典编纂
3)compilation and revision of the law法典的编纂修订
1.The technology of lexicography based on corpus has been the main method for contemporary lexicography.基于语料库的词典编纂技术已经成为现代词典编纂的主流方法。
2.The developed tendency and existed problems of lexicography is introduced and idea of Chinese lexicography assistant system is realized by Delphi design tool and based on SQL Server database is analysed.详细介绍了利用计算机技术进行词典编纂的发展趋势及遇到的问题 ,并分析了基于 Delphi平台和 SQLserver数据库管理系统的计算机辅助词典编纂系统的一般设计思
3.This paper analyzes the corpus based researches in China and mainly probes into the development of corpus linguistics applied in foreign language teaching and lexicography.本文通过对语料库语言学发展的探讨,简要介绍了语料库语言学的应用,其中主要阐述了其在外语教学研究及词典编纂方面的应用。
6)dictionary compilation词典编纂
1.The paper raises a new method for Chinese language dictionary compilation,i.本文提出了汉语语文词典编纂的新思路:提取一套释义基元词,专门用于词典释义,彻底革新现行词典释义模式,促进汉语语文词典编纂与国际潮流接轨。

《档案文献编纂学》  中国高等学校文科教材。曹喜琛主编,中国人民大学出版社1990年 4月出版。全书设导论和14章,分别叙述档案文献编纂学产生和发展的历史,档案文献编纂工作的内容、意义、性质和基本原则;系统论述编纂选题和档案文献查找、挑选、考订、转录、点校、标题、编排、出版的原则和方法;详细介绍档案文献汇编中注释、按语、序言、凡例等各种辅文的作用及其编制要求、方法。该书体例较为严谨,内容多有创新,体现了档案文献编纂的特点。