1.Remarkable Amending of DSU Retaliation System and the Corresponding Strategy of Our Country;DSU报复制度的显著改进及我国的应对策略
2.The retaliation system of WTO has been greatly strengthened on the basis of the retaliation system of GATT,but there exist great shortcomings in the system.WTO的报复制度在GATT报复制度的基础上已大为强化 ,但仍存在重大缺陷。
3.The study on how to properly apply the rule of retaliation is of great practical importance for maintaining China s right under the framework of WTO.报复制度是世界贸易组织争端解决机制执行过程中最后的救济手段,对于解决争端具有重要意义。

1.Take revenge on sb; retaliate against sb(向某人)复仇,报复
2.in retaliation for...为报复…,作为对…的报复
3.Final retribution or revenge.报应最后的报复或复仇
4.of or relating to or having the nature of retribution.指报复的,与报复有关的,有报复性的。
5.avenge oneself on sb/sth; take or get revenge on sb/sth for such a wrong向某人[某事物]报仇,报复
6.Revenge often recoils on the avenger报复者常常自遭报应。
7.To take revenge on, especially to kill in revenge for a wrong.报复实行报复,尤指为报复一个错误而刺杀
8.Have one's own back on sb.[口](向某人)报复,复仇
9.disposed to seek revenge or intended for revenge.有寻找报复机会的倾向或者打算报复
10.To repay with an equivalent act, as for revenge.报复以相等的行动报答,如为了复仇
11.To inflict(vengeance or punishment) upon a person.施行报复对某人施以(报复或惩罚)
12.do sth. in [out of] revenge (for sth(为...)报复性地[出于报复]做某事
13.Indicating or proceeding from a desire for revenge.报复的,复仇的表明或出自复仇欲的
14.The strikers provoke the police to retaliate .罢工者煽动警察报复
15.a swift reply, reaction, revenge迅速的回答、 反应、 报复
16.nurse feelings of revenge, hopes of promotion,etc心存报复、 晋升的希望等
17.a malevolent desire for revenge.充满恶意的报复行为。
18.I'll find a way of getting back at him!我早晚想法报复他!

1.This is because people think retribution is the same as revenge and there are many different ideas in the theory.之所以如此,就在于人们认为报应等同报复,该理论内部无法统一,以及其前提假设的不足。
2.The reason that he takes revenge upon Antonio deliberately is chiefly that Antonio is his chief obstacle on his way to make much money through usury and thus his revenge upon Antonio is a reflection of a fight between an ascending bourgeoisie and a dec.他对安东尼奥必欲除之而后快的主要原因是因为后者是他通过放高利贷赚钱道路上的主要障碍 ;他对安东尼奥的报复反映了没落封建高利贷者和处于上升时期的新兴资产阶级之争。
3.He thought the criminal punishments were the absolute negation to the iniquity and the equal revenge to the crime.黑格尔认为 ,刑罚基础为不法 ,前提为犯罪 ,刑罚是对不法的绝对否定、对犯罪的等值报复 ,而这种报复被推定为非强制 ,以及以法和正义为刑罚标准 ,同时强调刑罚主观性和主客观同一性。
4)Fu Bao《复报》
5)get your own back on报仇;报复
6)To get revenge for or on; requite.报复为…或向…报复;报复
