1.The Light in the Hopeless Abysm——Thorn and Pain in Western Literature;绝望深渊中的光明——论西方文学中的荆棘与痛苦
2.The Grave Pains of Men: An Analysis of the Theme of Indian Camp;沉重的男性痛苦——《印第安人营地》主题新探
3.Faced up with life’s three predicaments——loneliness, pain and fear, despite his physical deterioration, he demonstrates the soundest and deepest thoughts, letting others feel the most from the depth of his soul.上帝在给予史铁生苦难的同时,也给予了他独特的感觉与独特的体悟,面对人生三大困境——孤独、痛苦、恐惧,他以自己残缺的身体,在生命体验散文中展现了最为健全而丰满的思想,让我们感受到了来自心灵最深处的颤抖。

1.To feel bitter anguish or grief.痛苦感到痛苦或沉痛
2.A condition of pain, suffering, or distress.苦恼,痛苦痛苦、受难或悲伤的状况
3.To be the cause of pain.使痛苦成为疼痛、痛苦的原因
4.To suffer extreme pain or great anguish.痛苦感到巨大疼痛或极度痛苦
5."anguished: Feeling, expressing, or caused by anguish."痛苦的: 感觉,表现出极度痛苦的或由痛苦引起的
6.expressing pain or agony.表现出痛苦或苦恼的。
7.relieve suffering, hardship, etc among refugees解除难民的痛苦、 苦难等
8.excruciating spasms of neuralgia;极为痛苦的神经痛痉挛;
9.exquisite pain, agony, etc剧烈的疼痛、 痛苦等.
10.a painful experience, memory痛苦的经历、 记忆
11."More misery, Hester!“益发痛苦,海丝特
12.a cry of joy (pain, etc.)欢乐(痛苦)的叫声
13.(of disease,pain or mental distress)cause agony to(sb)(指疾病、疼痛、苦恼等) 使(某人)极为痛苦
14.something that causes or entails suffering.造成痛苦或使人承受痛苦的某事。
15.The pain of the mind is worse than the pain of the Body心头的痛苦比肉体的痛苦更厉害
16.in or as if in pain.处于痛苦之中或者好像处于痛苦之中。
17.To cause physical or mental pain or uneasiness to; trouble.使痛苦使…受身体或精神的痛苦或忧虑;使苦恼
18.To feel a pang or twinge from or as if from being pricked.痛苦感到痛苦或好象因被戳而感到剧痛

1.The Significance of Suffering——the theory of the beauty education and suffering education;痛苦的意义——论痛苦教育与美育
2.The Continuous Suffering--The Study on Rural Education in the Horizon of Sociology of Body延续的痛苦——身体社会学视域中的农村教育研究
1.Kafka s creation is permeated by tragic coloring,however,the agony of his characters is narrated in a ridiculous way.卡夫卡的作品充满了悲剧色彩,然而,作品中人物的痛苦却是被裹在滑稽的喜剧形式下得以展现的。
2.In Hemingway s works the world is full of agony because of war and the world is nihilistic because of agony.海明威笔下的世界因为战争而痛苦,因为痛苦而变得虚无,又因为无边的虚无而变得愈加的痛苦
3.Schopenhauer s philosophy is pessimistic,when it comes to its metaphysics,because he believed that will,which is the nature of humans,is the origin of agony.他认为意志作为人类的本质,是痛苦的来源,按照他的理论进行推导,这种本质上的痛苦是不能解除的。
1.Stretched to the despairing philosopher Kafka, and it mainly talks about his desperation of escaping from the sufferings and absurd sense of human beings; of religious belief; of rationalism; of hu- man nature; of reestablishing the human belief and even the desperation of life itself and happiness.本文从西方现代社会人们身处自笛卡尔始的理性主义时代却生存在一个非理性世界中,从而普遍产生的对世界的荒诞感出发,阐述卡夫卡这位诗人小说中体现出的绝望主义哲学,对摆脱人生痛苦虚无与荒诞的绝望,对宗教的绝望,对理性的绝望,以及对人性的绝望,对人类重建信仰的绝望和对人生的绝望和对幸福的绝望。
2.The earliestly introduced western tragedy theory in modern China is Schopenhauer s tragedy theory that develops on human sufferings and on how to extricate from the sufferings.我国近现代最早引进的西方悲剧理论是叔本华的悲剧理论,而叔本华的悲剧理论是围绕人类所受的痛苦并如何摆脱这种痛苦展开的。
3.LU Xun took great pains to reveal XIANG Linshao s sufferings,not basing them on accidental phenomena.鲁迅着力揭示的祥林嫂之痛苦 ,并不是以“偶然”为支点 ;祥林嫂的痛苦是精神痛苦 ,是相对清醒、自觉的精神痛苦 ;它恒久而深
1.Desire,Struggle,Suffering an Explanation of Hardy s Novels;欲求·挣扎·苦痛——哈代小说的一种解读
2.The suffering doctrine is the theory basis of life speculation of Wang Guowei.“苦痛”说是王国维人生思辨的理论基点。
6)Tribulation or agony; anguish.痛苦苦难或痛苦;悲痛

痛苦1.身体或精神感到非常难受。 2.使身体或精神感到非常难受的事。 3.疼痛苦楚。 4.指使疼痛苦楚。 5.犹沉痛﹐深刻。