1.Ficusing on the practice of set -off in the intermational banking activities,the author made some rearch on the following subjects;the choice of proper law of debt,the influence of Lex fori on set -off,the applicable law of soiveent set -off and insolvent set-off.本文围绕银行跨国业务中抵销之实践,对债之准据法的确定,法院地法对抵销之影响,以及有偿付能力当事人之间的抵销和破产种序中之抵销的法律适用进行了深入探讨。
2.Set-off had the guarantee function ever since it became the general cause for terminating a debt.本文的主题在于说明抵销制度之担保功能。
3.The system of set-off is one of the important part of debt legal system in the civil law and is one of the causes to exterminate the debt.抵销是指当事人双方互负债务时,可以以其债权充当债务去清偿,而使其债务与对方的债务在对等额度内相互消灭的制度。

1.(iii) The obligations were set off against each other;(三)债务相互抵销
2.be of the same value as(sth opposite)offset与(某对比事物)等价抵销
3.Sales more than offset production costs.销售远远抵销了成本费用
4.The accumulated depreciation shall be presented as the contra account of the fixed asset.备抵折旧应列于固定资产下的抵销科目。
5.The right of setoff in law of bankruptcy is based on the seto ff of obligation in civil law, thereby it has some characteristics of that in ci vil law.破产法上的抵销权源于民法中债的抵销权,故具有民法抵销权的一些特征。
6.Wage increasing is balanced off by rising cost of living.增加的工资被上升的生活费用抵销
7.Wage Increase be balanced off by rising cost of living增加的工资被上升的生活费用抵销
8.Set-off may not be subject to any condition or time limit.抵销不得附条件或者附期限。
9.The cost of business travel and entertainment can be set against the tax.出差费和娱乐费可以被用来抵销税金。
10.anything that counteracts sth unpleasant抵销不愉快事物的任何事物
11.the obligor may avail itself of any set-off against the assignee.债务人可以向受让人主张抵销
12.The annual dividend, said British Airways, was thus scrapped.英航说,年度的红利就因此而被抵销了。
13.How can we nullify the enemy's propaganda?怎样才能抵销敌人的宣传?
14.But it is, so to speak, a self-canceling item.但是这可以说是一种“自身抵销”的项目。
15.Analysis on Application of Right of Set-off in Tax Law of China;浅析抵销权在我国税法制度中的适用
16.Analizing and Dealing with Elimination Entries of Combined Statements;合并会计报表抵销分录的分析与处理
17.Drawing up and Understanding the Compensated Sale Account in the Combined Accounting Form;合并会计报表抵销分录的编制与理解
18.On the Offsetting of Accounting Items Directly Related with Investment;与投资直接有关的会计事项抵销问题

1.Research on the accounting of offsetting provision for devalued assets in preparing amalgamated financial statements;合并会计报表编制中资产减值准备抵销的处理
2.Probing into Unattained Internal Sales Profits Offsets to Existing Goods in Merged Report Forms;合并报表存货中未实现内部销售利润抵销的探讨
3.This paper analyzes and discusses the problem of internal transaction offset in the practice of combining statements and the offset problem of unrealiz.就目前合并报表实务中内部交易的抵销及未实现利润的抵销问题进行了分析与探讨。
1.There are also introduction about banker’s right of setoff in common law and civil law, which are used to improve that in China.我国通说认为,银行扣款还贷是根据《合同法》的规定行使抵销权,包括法定抵销权和约定抵销权。
2.Setoff right in bankruptcy"is not a new right category created by bankruptcy law, but the application of setoff system in civil law to bankruptcy law after its recognition."破产抵销权"不是破产法新创设的权利类型,而是民法上的抵销制度在破产法上的确认和适用,破产法确认抵销制度的立足点不应放在扩张适用抵销权以保护个别债权人利益之上,其制度构建的重心应是如何完善抵销权适用的限制性因素,平衡个别利益和团体利益,实现利益保护的真正公平。
5)offsetting entry抵销分录
6)right of set-off抵销权
1.The right of set-off in bankruptcy law is based on the set-off of obligation in civil law,and it has some characteristics of that in civil law.破产法上的抵销权源于民法中债的抵销权,故具有民法抵销权的一些特征。
