1.During the process of ordering, abstraction and unification are utilized to control the increase of problem .给出了一种利用状态不变式来提取目标间顺序关系的GOWN(goalorderingwithinvariants)方法,并在比较目标间的顺序关系时,通过抽象和合一的手段,有效地控制了问题的增长规模,提高了处理效率。

1.most general unifier最一般的合一, 最普通的合一
2.Two little eyes o-pen and close.两只小眼睛, 睁一睁, 合一合。
3.share a portion合用一份,合得一份
4.To cause to merge or combine together into a united whole.结合,混合使混合或合并到某一整体中
5.A collaborating or joint author.合著者之一一位合作或联合的著者
6.incorporate again or anew.重新合并或再一次合并。
7.fuse or cause to grow together.熔合或接合在了一起。
8.a polymeric silicone compound.一种聚合的硅化合物。
9.general cooperative union一般生产合作联合会
10.A contract is a formal agreement.合同是一种合法的协定。
11.To combine or blend into one mass or mixture.混合,混杂合成或融合成一团或一个合成物
12.(1) Expiration of the term of the joint venture;(一)合营期限届满;
13.Two halves make a whole.两个一半合成一个整体。
14.One cog-wheel engages with another.一齿轮与另一齿轮啮合.
15.Either of a pair of conjugate quantities.一对结合体中的一个
16.To become integrated or undergo integration.成为一体或结合在一起
17.To become mixed or blended together.使混合成为混合的或混合在一起
18.To be or become bound together by adhesion.混合,化合通过粘着结合到一起

1.The deep philosophical bases of metaphor are the view of "unity of Heaven and man" and the sensible cognition of "a combined virtue of heaven and man".隐喻的深层哲学基础是"天人合一"的宇宙统一论和"天人合德"的感性认识。
2.As a matter of fact,in the Qin Dynasty of ancient China,etiquette governance and legal governance,which was the unity of etiquette governance and legal governance of thinking of Hsun-tzu,had come into existence.而在中国古代的先秦时期就已出现了礼治和法治相结合的思想,这就是荀子的礼法合一思想。
1.For the Two Confronting Mountains,Which is Higher——Also on the "combination of Baochai and Daiyu"两峰对峙孰高低——也说“钗黛合一
2.The combination and division,as well as the real pronunciation of the three ancient initial groups,Zhi(知),Zhuang(庄) and Zhang(章),in Zhongyuan Yinyun(中原音韵) has long been an academicallyargumental focus.主张三组声母合为一套卷舌声母就必须澄清如下问题:(1)知、照组声母合一与知二庄、知三章对立问题;(2)《中原音韵》"知""支"分韵问题;(3)止开三知庄章组字在近代汉语存在两种对立读音类型;(4)《中原音韵》三组声母合一与现代方言两套声母的关系;(5)一套声母两套变体与两套声母之间的关系。
4)unifying composition合一复合
5)monogamous binding一对一结合
6)one-pot synthesis一锅合成

合一1.相合为一。 2.同一;一致。