1.On Social Anomie and Its Countermeasures in Social Transformation;试论转型期的社会失范及其对策
2.The Institutional Analysis on the Anomie of Academic Morality in University;大学学术道德失范的制度分析
3.Study on the Institution of Moral Anomie;道德失范的制度层面研究

1.Failure to follow regulations in appraisal of scientific and technological achievements and the countermeasures to prevent it;科技成果评价的失范现象及防范对策
2.Social Disorder and Social Norm:the Historical Investigation on Xiangxi Bandits Riot on March 2nd;失范与规范:对湘西事变的历史反思
3.On the Dilemma of the Mass Media for Poor-quality Advertisements;“失语”、“失范”:媒体广告的现实困境
4.Study about the Professional Ethics Irregularity of Young Teachers at Universities and Colleges;高校青年教师职业道德失范及其防范对策研究
5.Prevention And Anomie: A Study of The Problems in Preventing Female Crimes in Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republic of China;防范与失范:清末民初女性犯罪防治问题研究
6.On the Degeneration of the Standardization System of Olympic Morality;论奥林匹克道德规范体系自身失范现象
7.Prevention and Solution to the Moral Risk Caused by Government s Corrupted Behavior;政府行为失范引发道德风险的防范思路及对策
8.STANDARDIZAION AND DISTANDARDIZATION:Thinking on the Problem of Academic Corruption(Ⅱ);规范与失范——关于学术腐败的思考笔记(二)
9.The Phenomenon of the Losing of Model Existing in Chinese Enterprise Merge Behavior and the Countermeasure;我国企业并购行为中的失范现象及防范对策
10.On the Unstandardized Phenomena in the Appraisement of Invisible Assets and Their Countermeasures;无形资产评估中的失范现象及其防范对策
11.Ethically Standardizing News on Internet网络新闻的失范及其传播过程的伦理规范
12.The causes of academic anomie and the analysis on its preventative mechanism高校学术失范现象的动因与防范机制分析
13.“Acts of Misconduct” or “the System s Defects” --On Illegal and Unreasonable Educational Fees, Education Anti-Corruption and Construction of a Clean and Honest Administration;“行为失范”还是“制度失范”——论教育乱收费、教育反腐与廉政建设
14.The moral loss and the juvenile misconduct under the background of transition;转型背景下的道德失范与青少年行为失当
15.Lack of educational systems and educational misconducts in higher institutions of learning;高等学校的教育制度缺失与教育行为失范
16.Personal disorganization resulting in unsocial behavior.杂乱导致非社会行为的个人失范状态
17."Role Anomie": The Research of "Problem Emperor" in Ming Dynasty“角色失范”:明代“问题皇帝”研究
18.the world loss of cropland世界范围的耕地损失

1.The Reason and the Countermeasure on the disorder of Academic Morals in Colleges and Universities;当前高校学术道德失范的成因与对策
2.The disorder of the administrative value will lead to the alienation of administrative authority and the vacancy of administrative responsibility,causing the administrative work not to be carried out normally.行政价值的失范会导致行政权力的异化和行政责任的缺失,影响行政工作的正常开展。
1.Taking public power ethic as research object,under the dissimilation and irregularity of public power,points out restricting owner s moral of public power and perfecting social system are not the best ways to solve the dissimilation of public power,puts forward should research the irregularity of public power from the aspects of system ethic and its value construction.以公权伦理作为研究对象,在公共权力异化与失范的现象下,指出对公共权力拥有者个人的道德制约及完善社会制度都不是解决公共权力异化的最好路径,提出应从制度伦理及制度伦理的价值建构上研究公共权力失范问题。
2.In the dynamic social evolution and values transformation, value irregularity is a transient and intermediate linkage; its essence is the uncertainty appearing in the adjustment and adaptation of the motivation and means of the evaluators.由于传统与现代、计划与市场、东方与西方等多元价值观念的相互冲突与撞击 ,我国当代社会价值观念的理论构建和价值实践无可规避地经历着某种失范的过程 ,给当代中国社会经济体制的纵深方向改革和现代化进程 ,设置了不可小视的观念障碍。
3.But there is a lot of irregularity in network language due to its casual use which has a negative effect on young netizen.网络语言诙谐、形象,不乏求新求异的流行语,但网络语言的随意性使得其自身存在着许多不规范和不完善的地方,对网民尤其是青少年网民们影响巨大,因此,对网络语言失范问题进行规范是亟待解决的问题。
4)out of control失范
1.However,the activities concerning news propagation has been out of control and can not be forbidden completely.但现实的新闻传播活动 ,失范行为时有发生 ,屡禁不止。
2.The credit relations in contemporary Chinese market economy is to a considerable extent out of control and needs both legal and moral discipline.当前我国市场经济中存在着许多信用关系失范的问题 ,必须从德治和法治的角度双管齐下 ,构建我国市场经济的信用关
1.There exist in China loss of citizen s benevolence, unrighteousness, propriety, sense of reason and credit owing to various kinds of reasons including lack of education and government s function; complicated environment and imperfect laws and principles.当前我国公民的道德状况不容乐观,存在着“失仁”“失义”“失礼”“失智”“失信”的道德失范现象,导致道德失范的原因是多方面的,包括教育功能的缺失,政府职能的缺位,道德环境的复杂,法制建设的滞后等等。
2.Under the condition of socialist market economy, the loss of the civil servants professional ethics indicates his or her misunderstanding of civil servant s professional ethics construction.社会主义市场经济条件下公务员道德的失范体现为对公务员职业理解不足,对公务员职业道德理解不当,公务员道德建设缺乏良性机制。
3.Ethics is in the tradition of filial piety to the modern transformation process in the ethical, social changes, bound to its influence and impact, and there are all sorts of filial piety loss phenomenon.传统孝道伦理正处于向现代孝道伦理转化过程中,社会变化势必会对其造成影响和冲击,以至出现种种的孝道失范现象。
6)social anomie社会失范
1.There are many social anomies in medical field.透过“胡为民现象”,分析了我国医疗领域社会失范的特点和原因,并针对原因提出了防治医疗领域社会失范的意见和措
2.In the state of social anomie, there coexist all kinds of norms, including the old ones, the new ones and the ones which people create themselves in their everyday life.在社会失范状态下 ,各种旧的规范、新的规范以及在社会实际生活中人们自创的规范杂然并存 ,越轨行为受到社会规范制裁的力度和几率都大大下降 ,导致越轨行为的成本大大降低 ,引发越轨行为大量产
3.This path consists of two continuous processes: first one is from effective social control to social anomie,the second one is from social anomie to re-implement of effective social control.从秩序角度看,人类社会的发展就是在无数次有效社会控制到社会失范,再到有效社会控制的社会变动过程中向前迈进的。
