1.Limited in one scholar s opinion or outdated proofs,the entries of these words fail in persuasiveness in some dictionaries.对于《周易》语词的训释,历来仁者见仁,智者见智,这给语文辞书的释义工作带来诸多困难。
2.To prove the emotion words for telling are important and even indispensable to depict characters of novels,and A Dream of Red Mansions proffers a canon about that,this paper provides a systematic investigation of these words of the classic,including four steps: the depiction of looks,actions,words and minds of the characters in the novel.该文从四个方面:外貌的描摹,言语的描写,行为的说明,心理的刻画,阐述了《红楼梦》人物描写中情感讲述语词的运用情况。

1.a slang word, expression, etc俚语词、 词语等.
2.The Study of Word-Coinage of New Words from 《Xinhua New Word Dictionary》;从《新华新词语词典》看新词语造词法
3.Chinese Lexical Theories, Selection-Collection by Dictionary and the Understanding of "Words;汉语词汇理论、词典分词与“词”的认知
4.Words can not Seperatively Belong to the Two Categories of Langue Word and Parole Word;词不能分属语言词和言语词两个类别
5.Functional Comparison with the Derivation in Chinese, Dong Language and English;词缀在汉语、侗语、英语词中的功能比较
6.Chinese Loanwords in Chun Dialect and Their Effect on the Vocabulary of Chun Dialect;村语汉语借词及其对村语词汇的影响
7.Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases英语单词词组类词词典
8.Nouns,Adjectives and Prepositional phrases Used in the Voice;用名词、形容词和介词表示英语语态
9.Textual Research On Some Words Contained In Dictionary Of Chinese Language;《汉语大词典》之《金瓶梅词话》词语疑诂
10.pejorative remarks, comments, words, etc贬抑的言语、 评语、 词语等.
11.inceptive verb【语】开始动词, 起动动词
12.A superfluous word or phrase.冗词多余的词或短语
13.combine(words,phrases,etc)to form meaningful statements将(词、词组等)连结成语句
14.The article is a part of speech in the English language.冠词是英语的一种词类。
15.modal auxiliary verb表动词语态的助动词
16.used as the object of aviorprep用作动词或介词的宾语
17.the prepositional phrase here is used adverbially.介词短语这里用作副词。
18.Analysis on the Origin of Colour Word fulgiyan in Manchu满语颜色词fulgiyan词源探析

1.This paper discusses the study of them in turn,and exposes the development road of the theory of meaning from the meaning of words to the meaning of sentences,then to the context of language,then to behavior of talk.由于语言和思维的关系密切,各个时代的哲学家和逻辑学家都十分关注语言的意义问题,本文依次考察了古希腊、中世纪、近现代的哲学家们对语言的意义问题的探讨,阐述了意义理论由语词意义—语句意义—语境考察—言语行为的发展之路,证明了逻辑理论与实际生活结合的必要性和必然性。
2.The meaning of words is dynamic and has its own space of different space form.语词的意义是活动的,有自己的空间,也有自己的空间活动形态。
3.This paper surveys the origin and development of the word Too and its concept,as well as its original and derived meanings in the age of Lao Zi and even in the pre-Lao Zi period,so that we may grasp the whole process of the word Too which developed from an everyday word into a philosophical concept.文章在于考察老子同时代以及之前“道”这一语词及其概念的发生与发展,考察它的原始义以及后来的各个衍生义,由此把握道从日常语词发展为哲学概念的完整过程。
3)words and phrases语词
1.However,The meaning of words and phrases are always drifting,which is closely related to the great changes of politics,economy,science and technology,and culture.语词是构成语言的基本单位。
2.This article deals with the dialogue and choosing in the trends of thought in literature and in the concept of words and phrases, which means literary phenomenon may be systematized in all kinds of dualistic relations and the meaning of important words and phrases of the specific context be more discriminated along the trends of thought in literature.主要讨论“文学思潮”和“语词概念”两个层面上的对话与选择。
1.A new word segmentation strategy based on phraseology;一种基于语词的分词方法
2.A segmentation is designed by using the generalized concept of phraseology for the improvement of the MM arithmetic.分析了全文检索系统中常用的基于字表和基于词表的中文分词方法的优缺点 ,提出了基于字、词、词组混合模型的中文搜索引擎分词系统 ;并利用广义语词概念 ,设计了分词词典 ,改进了最大匹配分词算法 (MM) ;最后把分词系统应用于全文检索中。
3.From the textual research to the appearance time of the phraseology “Huxiang” and its terrain we can understand when the terrain of “Huxiang”,as a conception of civilization and geography and possessed the comparative independency in politics,economy and so on,took shape.对“湖湘”语词产生之年代及其所涵盖之地域范围的考证,可以认识湖湘地域究竟在何时作为一个在政治、经济诸方面具有相对独立之人文地理概念已经成型,进而有助于探究湖湘文化作为一种独具特质的地域文化之形成乃至成熟的历史。
5)words and expressions语词
1.Instead of employing linguistic framework to study its development,the author adopts social linguistics to discuss the evolution phenomena of business English words and expressions,analyzes the rule that business English words and expressions tend to change together with business activities,and clarifies the fact that words and expressions reflect the society.摈弃在语言内部规律的框架里研究语言发展的模式,本文从社会语言学的视角探讨商务英语语词的演化现象,分析了商务英语语词与商务活动“共生”“共变”的规律,探索语词的演化折射社会的现象。
2.Some words and expressions in the work of SANGUOZHI are very difficult to undersand,so a lot of mistakes had been made in some editions and and translations.整理和注译《三国志》常常会遇到一些语词方面的问题。
3.Based on the language materials in Jinshu(晋书),this paper discusses 4 words and expressions in "Titbits of Words and Expressions in Jinshu (晋书)":Zhengdang(正当);Yaodang(要当);Miaosheng(庙胜);Doujin(都尽)and point out the errors in the study.本文依据《晋书》的语料 ,对《〈晋书〉语词拾零》一文考释的 4条词语 :“正当、要当、庙胜、都尽”提出商榷 ,指出其考释未当之
1.Exploring the overlapping phenomenon of Yushan dialect words;玉山方言词语重叠现象小探
2.Change of Connotative Meaning of Attitude of words and the Revision of Dictionary;词语态度色彩义的变化及语文辞书的修订

非语词性认识非语词性认识  除语言活动认识以外的其他认识,如空间的辨认,深度知觉、触觉认识、音乐欣赏分辨等。右侧大脑皮层在非语词性认识功能上占优势。