1.Deformation and Displacement Features and Forming Mechanism of Tiantai Landslide in Xuanhan Sichuan;四川宣汉天台滑坡的变形位移特征及形成机理
2.On the Name of Celebrity s Native Places as Tiantai in Taizhou District;天台台州名人籍贯确定方法刍议
3.The Origin of the Place Name "Tiantai" and its Diction Expression;“天台”地名源流与修辞表达

1.That Afternoon I Was Airing My Quilt on the Roof那个下午我在天台晒被
2.Except for me, the large roof was empty.偌空的天台只我一人。
3.re-roofing and insulation works重铺天台及隔热工程
4.rooftop squatter freezing survey天台寮屋冻结人口登记
5.The T`ien-t`ai Philosophy of Perfect Harmony天台宗之圆融互摄哲学
6.Censer Carved with the Scene of Liu and Ruan Ascending the Heavenly Platform by Zhu Ying朱缨刘阮入天台香筒
7.an astronomical [a meteorological] observatory天文 [气象] 台
8.The radio station forecasts clear skies tomorrow.无线电台预报明天天晴。
9.Naval Observatory海军气象天文台海军气象天文台
10.localizer aerial着陆航向信标台天线
11.OVRO (Owens Valley Radio Observatory)奥文斯谷射电天文台
12.rotating loop statio旋转环形天线信标台
13.Pots of geraniums stood on the windowsill.窗台上放着几盒天竺葵。
14.Airport Meteorological Office [AMO] [Hong Kong Observatory]机场气象所〔香港天文台〕
15.Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory史密森天体物理观测台
16.bald-headed derrick无天车工作平台的井架
17.advanced orbiting astronomical observatory高级轨道天文观测台
18.Yes, We had a typhoon here yesterday是的,这儿昨天刮台风了,

open stage露天台阶
1.By open stage deep hole blasting,the stone material is directly used in to enclose the tideland for cultivation and dam construction.采石场石方开采量为150万m3,采用露天台阶深孔爆破,石料开采后直接用于围垦工程的抛坝施工。
1.Water Supply & Drainage Design for Observatory;浅谈天文台的给排水设计
2.In this paper, the histories of observatory, instruments of astronomy and calendar was described during the period of the Mongolian domination. 阐述蒙古民族在元王朝主政时期设立天文台、改进天文仪器和历法的历史功绩,初步分析了其发展条件及原因,以充分事实说明蒙古民族在中国古代天文学发展中所做出的卓越贡献。
3.This paper gives a brief account of the Observatory, and concludes that not long after the founding of Jiangnan Arsenal in 1865 an astronomer and mathematician named Jia Buwei (1827-1902) established an observatory and aplanetarium at the Arsenal out of the need of compiling nautical calendars.“过去人们不知道上海江南制造局有天文台,该文认为在江南制造局成立不久,由于编制航海年历等的需要,由贾步纬建立了天文馆和天文台,李等人在那里进行过观测工作。
4)antenna platform天线平台
1.Comparison of two stabilization methods forairborne strapdown antenna platform;弹载捷联式天线平台两种稳定实现方法的比较
2.The technique of feedforward compensation combined with feedback control was put forward and applied to stabilize Line-of-Sight (LOS) of strapdown antenna platform.针对弹载捷联式天线平台的视线稳定问题,提出了补偿与反馈控制相结合的方法。
5)Tiantai county天台县
1.Analysis of tourist attraction community diversity in Tiantai county;天台县景区群落多样性的分析
2.Floristic Analysis on Seed Plants of Tiantai County in Zhejiang Province;浙江省天台县种子植物区系分析
3.For better analysis of the composition of regional tourist attraction, the concept of regional tourist attraction community diversity is adopted, a calculation model is used and is illustrated in the tourist attraction community diversity analysis with tourism development in Tiantai county .为了更好地对区域内景区的构成情况进行分析,文章引入了区域景区群落多样性的概念,提出了计算模型,并以天台县旅游开发为例对其景区群落多样性进行了分析。
6)Tiantai mountain天台山
1.Dynamic characteristics of the dominant populations in different succession stages of evergreen broad-leaved forest on Tiantai Mountain in Zhejiang Province;浙江天台山常绿阔叶林不同演替阶段优势种群动态
2.Photosynthetic ecophysiological characteristics of Lithocarpus harlandii in Tiantai Mountain of Zhejiang Province,China.;天台山东南石栎光合生理生态特性
3.Intraspecific and interspecific competition in Castanopsis eyrei in Tiantai Mountain of Zhejiang Province;浙江天台山甜槠种内与种间竞争研究
