1.From the view point of economics, we obtain a mathematical model of the interrogation procedure by means of the game thoery method.本文从经济学的观点出发,利用对策论方法建立了审讯过程的数学模型,并由此研究了讯问人三种主要策略对审讯成功的效度。
2.Under the difficult situation,the policemen made use of interrogation tactics,took effective interrogative methods to force the suspect to tell the truth,and made him get the punishment he deserved.办案人员在十分困难的条件下,巧妙运用审讯策略,采用行之有效的审讯方法,迫使违法嫌疑人交代了违法事实,使之受到了应得的惩罚。
3.Interrogational environmental technique refers to the delicate design of certain factor or factors concerning interrogation environment to facilitate interrogation: on spot interrogation; design technique, person using technique; cool treatment and hot treatment.审讯环境技巧就是通过对审讯环境某一要素或者多个要素合成的巧妙设计,主要有易地审讯;近身术或日近体术;现场 审讯;布景术;用人术;“冷处理”与“热处理”。

1.psychology of interrogation审讯心理学 审讯心理学
2.Of, relating to, or used in a trial.审讯的,审判的属于或关于审讯的;用于审讯
3.take a trial impression of.获得……的审讯印记。
4.His questioners worked on him in relays.审讯人员轮流对他进行审讯
5.The trial was held/The case was heard in camera.那一审讯不公开[那一案件已秘密审讯].
6.An inquisitor's mordant questioning.审讯者一针见血的提问
7.The defendant' s family were present at the hearing.被告家属在审讯时旁听.
8.There is a large backlog of cases to hear.有大量案件要审讯
9.Has a day been assigned for the trial?审讯日期已经定了吗?
10.The trial lasted a week.审讯持续了一个星期.
11.The hearing is adjourn sine die.审讯被无限期地推迟。
12.The hearing is adjourned sine die审讯被无限期地推迟
13.She was tried in open court, ie with the public being freely admitted to hear the trial.她受法庭公开审讯
14.The day set down for the trial will be announced.审讯日期将要公布。
15.a request for a new hearing.进行重新审讯的要求
16.Charles is summoned for to-morrow.'明天就要审讯查尔斯了。”
17.He was picked up and taken for questioning.他被拘捕接受审讯.
18.a transcript of the trial审讯记录的文字本.

1.The essence of hearing is a kind of art of applying the strategy, which is of antagonism, indusement, deterring, systematicness, regularity and etc.审讯本质上是运用谋略的艺术 ,具有对抗性、劝导性、威慑性、诡诈性、系统性、目的性和规律性等属性。
2.As suggestive mentality is closely related not only to the environment in which a person grows up, but also to hearing at court, convicting a person of a crime, interrogating at investigation and the reform of criminals, it plays a very important role in judicial and criminal psychology.暗示心理在司法和犯罪心理学中具有不可忽视的地位和作用 ,暗示心理与人的成长环境、与法庭审讯、与刑事案件定罪、与侦查问话、与证人证言、与犯罪改造都有特定的联系 ,暗示催眠术也被国外司法界经常使用。
3)trial[英]['tra??l][美]['tra??l]审讯 审讯
4)illegal interrogation非法审讯
1.The direct consequence of illegal interrogation is to obtain the confession of the case fact from the suspect,so it easily leads to injustice.非法审讯的直接效果是获得犯罪嫌疑人对案件事实的承认,容易导致冤案的发生。
5)interrogation ideas审讯思想
1.A Tentative Study on the interrogation ideas in ZHEYUGUIJIAN;《折狱龟鉴》中的审讯思想初探
6)ancient interrogation古代审讯
