1.A Research of the Operation of the Legislature in Taiwan District——From the Perspective of the Institutional Strueture, Power and Function of the Standing Committee;台湾地区立法机关运作之研究——以常设委员会之组织结构、职权与功能分析为例
2.Looking from angle of history, the judicial function of the legislature has three sources mainly ~ development which discusses organization s judicial function in ancient times, passing on of judicial function which the legislature derives out in order to realize a right in one s own development .立法机关“司法职能”的概念来自于分权的相对主义对绝对主义的价值整合,植根于理论界和实践中对绝对分权的否定和对相对分权合理性的承认。
3.Comparative Study of the Financial Supervision Institutions of Chinese and British Legislatures This topic mainly researches the financial supervision institutions of Chinese and British legislatures.本文围绕中英立法机关财政监督制度进行比较,分为四部分:第一部分是分别介绍英国议会财政监督制度的历史渊源和中国人大的财政监督制度的发展概况,英国议会从产生起就是为了限制国王收税,中国人大财政监督是对预算的审议和执行的监督,没有对税收的权利规定;第二部分分别阐述英国议会财政监督的内容、形式和程序,以及中国人大财政监督制的内容和现状,比较二者可以得出中国的人大财政监督制度没有细化出收入和支出两部分,审计局隶属于政府,不利于人大审计政府财政支出;第三部分是英国议会和中国人大财政监督存在的问题,通过比较两国立法机关的财政监督,得出它们都在加强议会对政府的财政控制,中国人大的财政监督需要改进;第四部分就是借鉴英国议会财政监督的做法,如何改进中国人大财政监督制度。

1.a law enacted by a legislative body.由立法机关制定的法规。
2.Organic Law and Rules of Procedure for the Legislative Branch立法机关内部组织法
3.elected legislature由选举产生的立法机关
4.the legislature of the US government.美国政府的立法机关
5.composed of one legislative body.由一个立法机关组成。
6.composed of two legislative bodies.由两个立法机关组成。
7.the legislature's summer recess;立法机关的夏天休会期;
8.Parliament is the lawmaking body in Great Britain议会是英国的立法机关
9.The voters delegated power to the legislature选民们授权于立法机关
10.the congress of Chile智利的最高立法机关
11.the executive branch of the legislature立法机关的行政部门
12.The bill presented has close relationship with the legislative blue print of the legislative body.立法提案与立法机关的立法规划有密切的联系。
13.assembly possessing high legislative powers.拥有高度立法权的立法机关
14.One that creates or enacts laws, especially a member of a legislative body.立法者,立法机关成员创建或制定法律的人,尤指立法机关的成员
15.The material comes from the legislative, executive, and judicial branches.这些档案来自立法机关、行政机关和司法机关。
16.The British Parliament is often referred to as "the legislature" --the body which makes laws.英国议会常被称作立法机关,即立法的机构。
17.The national legislative body of a nation, especially a republic.立法机关一个国家的立法机构,尤指共和国
18.a legislative appropriation designed to ingratiate legislators with their constituents.立法机关拨款用于讨好立法者的支持者。

Member of a legislature立法机关成员;立法者
3)justicalorgans independence司法机关独立
4)legislation committees立法机关委员会
1.The historical conditions and the process of the emergence of modern legislation committees show that their development is the requirement for performing the legislative power, for specializing legislative work, for exercising a surpervision on administration, as well as the result of labor division.近代立法机关委员会产生的历史条件、立法机关委员会产生的过程表明 ,立法机关委员会的产生 ,是立法机关行使权力的要求 ,是立法专业化的要求和劳动分工的必然结果 ,是立法机关对行政监督的要求。
5)legslation of authorities权力机关立法
6)making law by representative institution代议机关立法
1.What is compared and evaluated in this article concerns both the advantages and disadvantages of the two major systems of legislation-making law by citizens and making law by representative institutions.本文对公民直接立法和代议机关立法的短长及其一般发展趋势进行了对比分析 ,认为 :两种立法形式各有短处和长处 ;从民主政治的要求和发展趋势来看 ,公民直接立法是最理想的立法形式 ,代表着立法形式的发展方向 ;从社会发展的现实来看 ,立法的基本形式只能是代议机关立法 ,但公民直接立法应作为代议机关立法的必要补充。
