1.Harbermas discourse ethics has discourse as its base,the Principle of Universalization and the Principle of Dis- course as its core.哈贝马斯的商谈伦理学以语言为基础,以可普遍化原则和话语伦理学原则为核心内容,主张通过主体间的商谈、交往保证道德规范的普遍有效性。
2.With the aid of discourse theory, Habermas has restructured the right valid foundation, in the post-metaphysical context, the right validity from awards in the citizen, legal validity from people s reasonable discussion based on procedure mutual recognition.借助于商谈理论,哈贝马斯重构了权利的合法性基础,在后形而上学语境下,权利的合法性来自于公民彼此间的授予,而法律的合法性来自于人们基于程序共识的合理商谈,人们运用交往权力进行合理商谈的过程与人们的自我立法是同步进行的。
3.The value discourse moral education is based on Harbermas’discourse ethics.价值商谈型道德教育是结合哈贝马斯的商谈伦理,通过对多元化社会背景以及现实德育实践的考察而得出的思考。

1.Meeting between two people to discuss important matters, usu rather formally(两人之间)会谈,晤谈,商谈,面谈
2.Settle with a foreign firm与外国商行商谈成交
3.Speech, especially a conversation or parley.谈判,商谈尤指讨论或辩论的谈话
4.resolve(a problem,etc)by discussio通过商谈解决(问题等).
5.confer upon matters of mutual concern商谈共同关心的问题
6.I wanted to talk to you.我很愿意跟你商谈
7.The real discussion comes tomorrow.明天才会正式商谈
8.I have something important to discuss with you.我有要事与你商谈
9.a source of intelligence aBout the negotiations;商谈的一个情报来源;
10.He is engaged with the client just now.他正在和顾客商谈
11.The manager was engaged with corresponents.经理正与记者商谈
12.transacting with foreign leaders.和外国领导人进行商谈
13.I myself will go and talk with him .我要亲自去和他商谈
14.frequent consultations with his lawyer; a consultation of several medical specialists.常去和他的律师商谈
15.To consult or confer with someone.咨询询问或同某人商谈
16.We held a consultation with Mr. Li.我们同李先生商谈
17.We had better confer together.我们最好一起商谈一下。
18.Talking to the real-estate agent.与房地产仲介商谈

3)talk over商讨;商谈
4)business negotiation商务谈判
1.Integrative operation and function implementation of dynamic business negotiation course s teaching;商务谈判课动态教学的整体操作和职能实现
2.A Survey of Curriculum Teaching Reform Mode about Business Negotiation in Colleges;高校《商务谈判》课程教学改革模式探讨
5)e-business negotiations电子商谈
6)Business Negotiation商务洽谈
1.Business negotiation is a key component of electronic business.商务洽谈是电子商务活动中十分关键的行为。
2.By making an analysis of euphemistic expressions used in business correspondences and business negotiations,this paper mainly discusses the fulfillment of euphemistic expressions in business English through grammatical changes in voice,mood and sentence structure as well as their translation.本文通过对商务函电和商务洽谈中的委婉表达方式的分析 ,讨论了如何利用语态、语气和句型等语法变化形式来进行商务英语中的委婉表达 ,并举例说明其对应的翻
3.Research and Analysis on Business Negotiation Techniques in EC;商务洽谈是电子商务活动中的关键行为。
