1)self-interest[英]['self'?ntr?st, -'?nt?r?st][美]['s?lf'?ntr?st, -'?nt?r?st]自利性
1.A Study on Self-interest of Professional Scientists in Basic Research基础研究中职业科学家的自利性问题研究
2.On Self-interest of Government and Its Legal Control试析政府的自利性及其法律控制
3.Government s self-interest is an important nature of government.政府自利性是政府的重要属性。

1.To Resolve the Contradiction between the Selfish and Public Roles of the Intellectuals by the Theory of Bourdieu's "Fields"以场域观消解知识分子公共性与自利性的对立
2.I have always been aware that I am by nature self-absorbed and egoistical;我一贯知道,我生性是自顾自和利己的;
3.assert one's authority, independence, rights坚持自己的权威性、 独立性、 权利.
4.game,set,and match全面的胜利,决定性的胜利(来自草地网球用语)
5.Lunch is provided at cost in the cafeteria.在自助餐厅有非营利性午餐供应。
6.Adam Smith's Individual Self-interest and Its Morality亚当·斯密的个人自利及其道德性
7.rational egoism and utility理性的自我本位与功利主义
8.Self-interest is no inhibition against accuracy.自我利益无损于分析的准确性。
9.The Interests Weighting of Voluntary Information Disclosures of Listed Company;上市公司自愿性信息披露的利益权衡
10.Anti-ego Sexual Words of Henry Miller s Novels;亨利·米勒小说中性话语的反自我喻意
11.Autonomy and Heteronomy in Welfare-based Third Sector Development;福利性第三部门发展中的自律与他律
12.Automatic Drawing of Pump Characteristic Curve by VB;利用VB实现水泵性能曲线的自动绘制
13.On the Necessity and Conditions of Setting Free the Fixed Interest Rate;浅议实行利率自由化的必要性及条件
14.Be enthusiastic in defending and protecting your right to be different and distinctive.积极捍卫自己展现的差异性与独特性的权利。
15.Victorian women were rarely allowed to express their sexuality.维多利亚时代几乎不让女性表达自己的性兴趣。
16.Empirical Research on the Relationship of Liquidity, FCF and Profitability;流动性、自由现金流量及盈利性关系实证研究
17.Effective Approaches to Promoting Fluency and Purity in Oral English Teaching;提高英语口语流利性与自然性的有效方法
18.Freedom,Surmount and Poetic Retrieval自由、超越与诗意的救赎——对审美功利性与超功利性问题的思考

1.The Regulation of the Selfishness of Local Government in USA Real Estate Market美国房地产市场中的地方政府自利性规避试析
2.However,this opinion overlooks one of the most important factors that public servants have their own demand of selfishness.这种观点忽视了一个重要的因素,即组成该领域的人员尤其是公务人员也有他自利性的要求。
3.Moreover, the government selfishness is gathering people s eyes (because) of many serious problems coming from it.由此可知 ,政府是具有公利性和自利性的矛盾统一体。
3)human nature of self-interest人性自利
4)self-interest reasonality理性自利
5)selfish rationality自利理性
1.Therefore,the analysis of trust cannot be done under the selfish rationality of individuals;an extended range of individual rationality is needed.所以,信任分析无法在个体的自利理性下完成,需要扩展个体理性的范畴。
6)Spontaneous diuresis自发性利尿

大种性自性【大种性自性】  大种,即地、水、火、风四大之种子也。无处不有,故名为大。言大种性自性者,谓四大种各有自性也。大种本通凡圣,今约圣报而言,即此大种性自性,是法性五阴之果,是名大种性自性。(五阴者,色阴、受阴、想阴、行阴、识阴也。言法性五阴者,谓如来转生死五阴而成法性五阴,盖即色是真常之色,乃至即识是真常之识是也。)