1.The paper dwells on his previous power and his later persecution.十三世达赖喇嘛逝世之后,土登贡培立即遭到了迫害,其中包含了深刻的政治背景。
2.Between the Second and Third year of Zhengde period of Ming Dynastym Yang Yiqing as the Tri-lateral Governor of Shanxi was forced to resign because of the persecution of Liu Jin—the Head-eunuch in the Ministry of Ritesmand.明正德二、三年间,三边总督杨一清遭司礼监太监刘瑾迫害,被迫辞职,并被逮系至京,罚米输边,其边墙修筑工程亦遭停罢。

1.The object of persecution is persecution.迫害的目的是迫害
2.those of the persecutor虐待,残害,迫害?
3.indulge in persecution of对...大肆进行迫害
4.It's a monstrous persecution.这是伤天害理的迫害
5.plundering with excessive damage and destruction.过分伤害或迫害的掠夺。
6.The condition of being persecuted.迫害,虐待受迫害(虐待、困扰)的状况
7.He was constantly persecuted by his implacable enemies.他一再遭到死敌的迫害
8.He was persecuted in all sorts of ways.他受尽各式各样的迫害
9.It was a witch hunt.这简直是莫须有的迫害
10.The butt of whimsical persecution.异想天开迫害的对象。
11.his persecution of his political opponents他对政治反对派的迫害
12.searching out and harassing dissenters.搜寻并迫害反对的人。
13.Jews were persecuted by the Nazis.犹太人受纳粹迫害
14.accused the regime of torturing its political opponents谴责该政权迫害政敌.
15.She persists in the belief/in believing that she is being persecuted.她认定自己受到了迫害.
16.She persists in the belief [in believing] that she is being persecuted.她认定自己受到了迫害
17.The act or practice of persecuting on the basis of race, religion, sexual orientation, or beliefs that differ from those of the persecutor.虐待,残害,迫害因在种族、宗教、性的倾向或信仰上与迫害者不同而遭迫害的行为或做法
18.We are a harried people, beset by oppressors.我们是一伙苦恼人,我们受尽了压迫者的迫害

4)herbivore stress虫害胁迫
1.Physiological responses of different rice cultivars under herbivore stress;不同水稻品种对虫害胁迫的生理响应
5)herbivore stress危害胁迫
1.Effects of herbivore stress by Aphis medicaginis Koch on the contents of MDA and activities of protective enzymes in different alfalfa varieties;蚜虫(Aphis medicaginis Koch)危害胁迫对不同苜蓿品种体内丙二醛含量及防御性酶活性的影响
1.The inner hollowness and self-loathing frustration impose Darl an alter ego or a duality,namely,the victimized and the victimizer.自我内在的空虚和挫折感使达尔的人格分裂成两个对立的自我:受害者和迫害者。
