1.The development of latent fingerprint on mirrory surface using polarization photography;偏振光照相显现镜面客体上的潜在指印
2.Comparison of UV photography and superglue for development fingerprints;紫外反射照相显现指印与502胶熏显指印方法的比对
3.A study on enhance ment of superglue fingerprints by optical methods;502指印的光学加强方法研究

1.excellent definition轮廓清晰(指印花)
2.Footprints and fingerprints gave a clue to the police.脚印和指印给警察提供了线索。
3.capital letters,esp in printing-type大写字母(尤指印刷体)
4.ground bleaching白地漂白(指印花布)
5.A device used for printing, especially a photographic machine from which a duplicate of a master print can be made.晒板机或印相机印刷用的装置,尤指印相机,可以复制优秀的印刷品
6.Comparison of UV photography and superglue for development fingerprints;紫外反射照相显现指印与502胶熏显指印方法的比对
7.clock printing machine袜类印花机(指袜边印花)
8.Intaglio printing: A general term for all such printing methods using plates in which the printing areas are below the non-printing surface.凹版印刷:通指用印纹低于非印纹表面的印版施印的印刷方法。
9.A default printer is not specified. You must specify a default printer before printing.未指定默认打印机。打印前必须指定默认打印机。
10.To punch or stamp from flat stock, especially with a die.打孔,盖印从平模具打洞或印模,尤指用铸模盖印
11.One that prints, especially one whose occupation is printing.印刷业者印刷的人,尤指其职业为印刷业的人
12.There is nothing to print in the specified pages.指定打印页空白,无内容可打印。
13.a clue made by an impression of the ridges in the skin of a finger.手指的压印形成线索。
14.The specified printer has been deleted.已删除指定的打印机。
15.paper low indicator纸不足指示符-打印用
16.Of, relating to, or practicing impressionism, especially in painting; impressionistic.印象派的印象主义的或实施印象主义的,尤指绘画方面;印象派的
17.Sheetwork: Term used for book-work meaning to print each side of the sheet from a separate forme.全张纸式施印:印书用术语;指用不同印版,分别印纸的两面。
18.Specifies whether to automatically print to the client's local printer.指定是否要自动打印到客户端的本地打印机。

finger mark手印,指印
4)finger print指印,指纹
5)sweat latent fingerprints汗潜指印
1.Objective:To explore the feasibility of the short tandem repeat(STR) typing of the remainder of cells in sweat latent fingerprints on the fountain pen and the influence of conservation length on DNA typing.目的:探讨遗留在签字笔上的汗潜指印DNA分型的可行性及其保存时间对分型的影响。
6)finger printing指纹捺印

指印【指印】 (杂名)即拇印也。行事钞中上曰:“诸书指印遣使。”同资持记曰:“言指印者。旧云:手墨印纸,以表其意。或云:西人指上贯印持以为信。”