1.Article141of the Contract Law has different regulations on places where a seller delivers the subject matter acco rding to whether the subject matter is transported,but has no regulations on whe ther the subject matter needs transportation.合同法第141条对于出卖人交付标的物的地点依据标的物是否运输而作了不同规定,但是对于标的物是否需要运输的具体含义则没有明确。
2.Retained ownership installment contract has validity to both the purchaser and the seller, including the transfer of buyer s enjoyment and expectant right, custodial obligation of subject matter, retained ownership, recall and exercise rights of buyer and both parties disposition of subject matter, etc.分期付款所有权保留买卖合同效力有对买受人的效力及对出卖人的效力,内容包括:买受人期待权的享有与让与,标的物的保管义务,出卖人所有权之保留、取回权及行使,以及双方当事人对标的物为法律上的处分等若干方面。

1.On Sellers Liability for Quality Warranties in International Sales of Goods;国际货物买卖中出卖人的品质担保责任
2.Research on Reclaiming Right of Seller s on Retention of Title;所有权保留买卖中出卖人取回权的研究
3.The Analysis of the Recall Right Existed in Title Retention;所有权保留买卖中出卖人取回权的法律性质
4.On the Liability of Warranty Against Defects of Seller in Contract for Sales;试论买卖合同中出卖人的瑕疵担保责任
5.On the Seller s Right to Reseizure in a Purchase and Sale with Retained Ownership;试论所有权保留买卖中出卖人之取回权
6.Liability for Warranty to the Defects of Title in the International Sales of Goods论国际货物买卖中出卖人的权利瑕疵担保责任
7."No one has betrayed anything to me--""没人向我出卖过--"
8.One who betrays or deserts another.出卖他人者,抛弃他人者
9.They betrayed the ship to the enemy.他们把这船出卖给敌人。
10.Judas betrayed Jesus to his enemies.犹大将耶稣出卖给敌人。
11.He is not the man to betray a friend.他不是出卖朋友的人 。
12.He is not a man to betray us.他不是出卖我们的人。
13.a person who makes or sells candles.制造或出卖蜡烛的人。
14.betrayed Christ to the Romans.将耶稣出卖给罗马人。
15.She felt betrayed.她觉得被人出卖了。
16.Such people are ready to sell their souls.这种人灵魂也会出卖。
17.One that makes or sells perfumes.制造或出卖香水的人
18.sell someone down the river (在紧要关头)出卖某人

the seller出卖人
1.For a long time, legal workers agree that the seller should bear the liability of warranty against defects and have made detailed studies of it.瑕疵担保责任制度是民法中一个非常重要的制度,而我国建国后相当长的时期内,虽然民法理论界肯定出卖人负有瑕疵担保责任并有一定的理论研究,但直到1999年的《合同法》才正式在立法上明确确立了出卖人的瑕疵担保责任,使民法理论与立法结合起来,适应了社会主义市场经济的需要。
3)seller in good faith善意出卖人
4)vendor lessor卖主出租人
6)reasons of the seller出卖人的原因
