1.New Thinking about Establishing the System of Evidence Admissibility Rules in Criminal Litigation;确立我国刑事诉讼证据可采性规则体系的新思考
2.An Analysis on the Admissibility Rules in Electronic Evidence;电子证据可采性规则探析

1.relevance or admissibility of evidence证据的相关性或可采性
2.relevancy and admissibility of evidence证据的关联性和可采性
3.Rule 702, which concerns admissibility, it is stated.涉及到证据可采性的规则702规定,
4.Rule 702, which concerns admissibility, states:涉及到证据可采性的规则702规定:
5.On Expert Witness Admissibility Institution in High-tech Times;论高科技时代的专家证据“可采性”制度
6.Acceptance of “Amicus Curiae” Brief under Dispute Settlement System of WTO;初探DSU机制下“法庭之友”陈述的可采性
7.Research on Reliability of Mining Near Subsided Cavity塌陷采空区近区安全开采可靠性研究
8.Advances in Heavy Oil Cold Flow Production and Geotherm Oil Recovery Technology Feasibility Research稠油冷采进展与地热采油可行性研究
9.The feasibility of extending the upper extraction limit for No.810 Mining Area of Luling Coal Mine芦岭煤矿810采区提高回采上限的可行性研究
10.Prediction of Coal Mining and Study the Feasibility of Mining Method under the Village;村庄下开采计算机模拟及采煤方法可行性研究
11.Feasibility on the upward mining of the left-over coal above goaf with pillar supporting method刀柱采空区上方遗弃煤层上行开采可行性判定
12.Feasibility Study and Mining Measures on Coal Pillars Mining Under Surface River Water Body地表河流水体煤柱回采可行性研究及开采措施
13.Analysis on Reliability of Domestic Made High Mining Height Equipment for Fully Mechanized Longwall Coal Mining Face in Sihe Mine寺河矿综采面国产大采高装备可靠性分析
14.Feasibility Analysis on Upward Mining for Coal Mining Face of Qianjiaying Mine钱家营矿采煤工作面上行开采可行性分析
15.The translator can use consistent translation strategies, in accordance with some controllable principles.译者可根据可控性原则,采取一致性的翻译策略。
16.Fluctuation elimination insures the consistency of working precision.◆ 采用先进的集成式液压系统,可靠性好。
17.The use of a prescribed contract form can reduce the uncertainty.格式化合同的采用可以减少不确定性.
18.Nuclear power plants Guidelines to ensure quality of collected data on reliability?核电厂数据采集可靠性质量保证指南

1.Integrated methods of CBM recoverability evaluation:A case study from Panzhuang mine;煤层气可采性综合评价方法研究——以潘庄井田为例
2.Diffusion Effects on Recoverability of Coalbed Gas;扩散作用对煤层气可采性的影响
3.Assessment of recoverability of coalbed methane resources is the prerequisite and basis of exploration and production.煤层气资源可采性评价是煤层气勘探开发的前提和基础。
3)Admissibility of evidence可采性
1.As the criterion of qualification of evidence is legality and relevancy, it is actual different to admissibility of evidence in common law although both the conceptions belong to same category.证据适格性虽与英美法中的证据可采性属于同一范畴的概念,但实质内容并不完全等同。
1.Then we define the notion of adoptability of the diagnostic system and prove that the consistency-based diagnosis is adoptable.为找到故障系统的真实诊断,讨论了候选诊断和真实诊断之间的关系,定义了诊断系统的可采纳性并证明基于一致性的诊断是可采纳的。

证据的关联性和可采性  关联性指证据必须与案件的待证事实有关,能够证明案件的待证事实。可采性指证据必须在法律所容许,可用以证明案件的待证事实。    证据的关联性和可采性是英美法系国家证据法中的重要内容。立法要求当事人提出的证据必须与他的主张和争议事实绝对有关,与案件无关的应予排除,以限制法庭调查的范围。法庭采纳的证据必须具有关联性,但有关联的证据不一定都具有可采性。英美法系国家规定了一系列关于证据可采性的规则,如在一般情况下,传闻证据不得采纳;民事案件中当事人的品格证据不得采纳,刑事案件中除非被告人先提出自己品格良好作为证据,法庭不得采纳品格证据;有关联的证言可能因证人无资格作证或拒绝作证而被排除,等等。英美法系国家允许当事人提出他们认为适当的证据,如一方提出的证据不具有可采性,经对方提出异议,法官可予以制止。    大陆法系国家诉讼中,要求证据必须具有关联性。法官在组织法庭调查时,应明确指出待证事实,严格排除无关联的证据。立法上没有关于证据可采性的繁琐规则,证据是否采纳,由法官自由裁断。但也有若干限制性规定,如非法取得的刑事被告人的供述不得作为证据采纳等。    在中国立法中,也有某些关于证据关联性和可采性的原则性规定。如《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》第31条第1款规定,证据必须是能够"证明案件真实情况"的事实;第115条规定,当事人和辩护人对证人、鉴定人发问时,如果审判长认为发问的内容与案件无关,应当制止;除《刑事诉讼法》、《民事诉讼法(试行)》规定的证据种类外,其他材料如匿名信等,不得作为证据;法律规定在证明某些民事法律事实或法律关系时,必须有合同、公证证书等书面证据作证。