1.On the Possible Falsity of Present Comprehensive Indices of Environmental Quality;论现有环境质量综合指数的可能虚假性
2.As the idea or thought system of a class defending for their benefits rationality,ideology has its legality and falsity.意识形态作为某一阶级或阶层为关于自身利益或自身存在的政治合法性和思想合理性进行辩护的观念或理论体系,有其存在的合法性的一面,但其虚假性也是每一个统治阶级所无法避免的。
3.Marx and Engel stated clearly the falsity of the ideology.马克思、恩格斯明白地指出了意识形态的虚假性

1.Discusses the Ideology s Falsity Shallowly in the Context of Marxism;浅谈马克思语境中意识形态的虚假性
2.Deceptive, Spurious and Misleading Factors in Advertisement and the Legislative Management;广告的误导性、欺骗性、虚假性及其法律管理
3.False or misleading appearance.假象虚假或欺骗性的外观
4.False intoxication--A review on vogue and false features of "sha Chuang"(Sand Bed)by Ge Hong-bing;虚假的沉醉——评葛红兵《沙床》的时尚性和虚伪性
5.criminal liability on the provision of false or misleading informatio提供虚假或具误导性资料的刑事责任
6.procurement of another person by false pretences以虚假借口促致他人作非法的性行为
7.Dishonesty is foreign to his nature.他的本性与弄虚作假格格不入.
8.A misrepresentation can be either fraudulent or innocent.虚假陈述可以是欺诈性的或无意的。
9.A study on the problem of "Illusive" demand curve;公共品需求曲线“虚假”性的理论阐释
10.Nature of Civil Liability of CPA’s Misrepresentation;注册会计师虚假陈述的民事责任性质
11.The Nature and Characteristics of Civil Liability for Misrepresentation in Financial Reporting;论财务报告虚假陈述民事责任之性质
12.Investigation into False Accounting Information, Reflection and an Analysis;会计信息虚假的理性思考与调查分析
13.Lacking practicality or the possibility of realization.假设的,虚幻的缺少现实性或实现的可能性的
14.Madrid Agreement for the Repression of False or Deceptive Indications of Source on Goods制止产品来源虚假或欺骗性标记马德里协定
15.The Effect of Experience,Material Property and the Level of Processing on False Memory;经验、材料性质及加工水平对虚假记忆的影响
16.Rational thinking about controlling and preventing false report of financial affairs of company listing on the stock market.;监管与防范上市公司虚假财务报告的理性思考
17.Friedman s Logical Analysis on Economics Hypothesis Dummy;弗里德曼的“经济学假设虚拟性”的逻辑分析
18.The Rational Thinking on the Cause of False Accounting Information and its Supervision;虚假会计信息成因及其监管的理性思考

pseudo elastic postulate虚弹性假设
1.The theory is based on the laws of thermodynamics and the pseudo elastic postulate.提出了一个弹、粘、塑性统一理论,可用以计算在任意受力过程下物体各点弹、粘、塑性的变化情况·理论的基础是热力学定律及虚弹性假设·文中导出本构关系以及有关的变分原理,由此容易推导空间_时间的有限元构式·值得指出,适当选取文中的物质常数,可以得出类似于当前习用的塑性本构关系
3)hypothesis dummy假设虚拟性
4)falsity content虚假性内容
5)intermittent false warning间歇性虚假警报
6)spurious possibility虚假的可能性

虚假【虚假】 (术语)不实之义。谓无实体也。辅行五之三曰:“假者,只是不实为义。”三假之一。(参见:三假)