1.And it develops to indicate one s wife(妻子 or qizi)."老小"一词的指称范围由指代全体家庭成员缩小到特指妻子,"妻子"、"妻小"、"家眷"等称谓语表现出与之相同的演变轨迹,从认知的角度来看,这一意义演变主要是突显原则下转喻思维的结果,其内在的文化心理基础是"女主内"的家庭格局和民俗传统。
2.She portrays many wife images in her works by her unique woman-perspective,as Duan Lina,Qi Runwu,Zeng Mangmang,and so on.池莉作为一名当代女作家,以独特的女性视角在她的作品里塑造了许多婚姻悲剧里的妻子形象,如段莉娜、戚润物、曾芒芒,等等。
3.The image of "wife" is a new contribution of Shu Shi and his followers to the world of ci composition.“妻子”形象是苏门词人对词坛的新贡献 ,她们主要出现在悼亡和寄内、寿内几种题材中 ,灌注了词人深厚的情感和尊重女性的态度。

1.A man who kills his wife.杀妻者杀死妻子的男人
2.wear the trousers1.(妻子)掌权当家
3.He's always getting at his wife.他老 是责怪妻子.
4.the status of a wife妻子的地位[身份]
5.battered babies/wives,ie ones that suffer repeated violence from parents/husbands受虐的幼儿[妻子]
6.The wife of a czarevitch.太子妃沙皇太子的妻子
7.neglect one's wife慢怠自己的妻子,对妻子冷淡
8.Bigamy is having one wife too many. Monogamy is the same.多妻制的问题就是妻子太多,一妻制也是。
9.Princess is the wife of a prince.王妃是王子的妻子
10.How is your wife? /son? /daughter?你的妻子/儿子/女儿好吗?
11.Zengzi's wife was going to the market.曾子的妻子到集市上去。
12.Conversation between Executioner and Wife刽子手和妻子的谈话
13.The wife of one's son.媳妇某人儿子的妻子
14.I am no wife for a Prince.我可不配做王子的妻子
15.My wife is going to have a baby.我妻子快要生孩子了。
16.Hi-ho the derry-o. The wife takes the child.嗨, 嗬, 妻子 带着 孩子。
17.A henpecked husband always gives in to his wife.妻管严丈夫总是屈服于妻子
18.separate maintenance(夫妻分居后妻子的)赡养费

male worker's wife男工妻子
3)Plum as wife and crane as son梅妻鹤子
4)Marrying a wife and having son娶妻生子
5)Remained Wives of Migrant Workers留守妻子
1.Remained Wives of Migrant Workers and Social Harmony:A Perspective of Social Capital;留守妻子与社会和谐:社会资本视角的分析
6)bettered wife被虐妻子

妻子1.妻。 2.妻和子。