1.A deep reason why media products have this feature is that the exclusiveness of consuming right becomes invalid.消费权的排他性失效是传媒产品消费活动的外在性的深层次原因。
2.It needn t emphasize exclusiveness in the property definition.我国物权法的物权定义成功与不足并存,物权定义中无须强调排他性
3.Respectively from the perspective of the objective exclusiveness and from that of the subjective pluralism, this paper expounds the cultural, religious and political factors which hinder the connection between the Western and the Eastern culture.文章通过事物的客观排他性和认识的主观多元性等多个角度,从宗教、文化以及政治背景等方面论述了当时阻碍"东西融合"的诸项因素,并指出教育是"东西融合"得以实现的有效之举。

1.exclusive reference (to standards)排他性引用(标准0
2.Personal, Nonexclusive Licenses个人和非排他性的许可
3.form of exclusive private property排他性的私有财产形式
4.An exclusive right or title.专利权排他性的权利
5.Exclusiveness and Complementarity of Contemporary Western Critical Theories;试论当代西方文论的排他性和互补性
6.Uniqueness - Does the company have any exclusivity, patents, etc?独特-该公司是否有排他性,专利等?
7.the exclusive social set of a city.一个城市中的排他性高级社会集团。
8.the most exclusive club最具排他性的俱乐部,高级俱乐部
9.Non-excludability is a characteristic of public goods.非排他性是公共货物的特征。
10.Exclusive Competitive Strategy Study of the Enterprise Based on the Resources基于资源的企业排他性竞争策略研究
11.Exclusive dealing and trying arrangements hamper competition in the distribution process.排他性的交易和搭卖安排对分配过程中的竞争造成遏制作用。
12.Novel Analysis of Binary System of Property:From the Perspective of the Division of Exclusive Property and Nonexclusive Property财产权二元体系新论——以排他性财产权与非排他性财产权的区分为视角
13.The property right of human capital has attributes such as exclusiveness and decomposition, and it can be transacted.人力资本产权具有排他性、可分解性和可交易性等属性。
14.On Affinity and Exclusiveness of Clannish Provincialism in Fujian and Taiwan Province论闽台宗族乡土意识中的亲和力与排他性
15.(followed by `to') applying exclusively to a given category or condition or locality.(接“to”)排他性的适用于特定的种类、情况或者地点。
16.Analysis of the Reasons for the Exclusiveness of Cultural Choices in Modern China试论排他性文化选择在近代中国的成因
17.We can't rule out the possibility that he'll change his mind.我们不能排除他改变主意的可能性。
18.They exclude the possibility of murder.他们排除了谋杀的可能性。

1.In the meanwhile, exclusion results from the objective rule of domination to things, and puts up opposability of realistic domination in the case of domination of fact and opposability of justice in the case of domination of .排他性是物之支配的规律性要求,在物之事实支配中,排他性表现为支配的现实性之争;在物之权利支配中,排他性则表现为支配的正当性之争。
2.Its basis of property right is the regulation arrangement which ada pts to the exclusion of property right in market economy.规则公平、机会平等、效率优先是一种权利对等意义上的起点公平的公平效率观 ,它的产权基础是适应市场经济需要的排他性所有权的制度安排。
1.In this purpose, the property law should establish two requirements for the using right for the state-owned land: exclusivity and transferability.根据制度经济学理论,土地使用权制度为完成其实现资源优化的重要使命,在当前制度背景下必须满足所有权的权能要求:排他性和可转让性。
2.Currently,the main characteristics of the intellectual property rights are comprised of the exclusivity,regionalism,and formality of information,intangibility and replicability.现阶段的知识产权主要特征为排他性、地域性、信息形态性、无形性和可复制性,时间性已不是其主要特征。
3.The exclusivity of citizenship was not only represented in the repulsion to women and childrens political rights because of restriction on their abilities and qualifications,but also represented in taking a flexible,sometimes loose sometimes strict attitude to the metics obtaining Athenian citizenship,and it even more determined the slaves low status in socio-economic life of the polis.由于雅典城邦具有政治共同体和宗教共同体的双重特征,就使得雅典人在对公民权倍加珍视的同时使其带有强烈的排他性
1.It is evident that scientific research products are uncompetitive on supply side, and the extent of their exclusiveness on demand side is related to the stage on which the current scientific research lives.科研产品在供给上的非竞争性比较明显 ,在消费或使用过程中的排他性程度与它在科研活动所处的阶段有关。
2.Consequently,we should learn the experience from other countries, enhance the exclusive common right,define the bounda.因而 ,我们应当借鉴国外立法经验 ,提高共有水权的排他性 ,明晰水权 ,引入市场机制 ,建立符合经济发展的水权和水市场制度。
3.Accordingly, the cleft structure has the innate features of [+contrastive] and [+exclusive].语义焦点传达非预设的新信息 ,对比焦点传达已知或预设的旧信息使分裂结构具有语义 [+对比性 ];传达预设信息的对比焦点往往是确定焦点 ,而确定焦点又往往具有穷尽性的语义特征 ,因而该结构具有 [+排他性 ]。

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-