1.In order to reduce the recidivism and avoid destroying to the society,it is absolutely necessary to reflect the system of rehabilitation control so as to be master of it as well.为了减少重新犯罪,避免社会肌体遭受更大的破坏,有必要反思回归控制制度,从而尽可能控制回归控制。
2.In order to construct harmonious society,it is necessary to try to decrease the recidivism rate.建设和谐社会,尽量降低重新犯罪率是必要的。
3.The rate of the recidivism is growing up in China.在我国,重新犯罪率不断上升。

1.Some criminals are likely to offend again when they are released.有些罪犯被释放后有可能重新犯罪
2.Prevents Again Crime and Construct Harmonious Society --Empirical Study on Again Crime Present Situation and Countermeasure;防治重新犯罪与构建和谐社会——重新犯罪现状与对策的实证研究
3.Study on Psychological Factors of Re-offending Behaviors in the Male and Adult Recidivists;成年男性累犯重新犯罪行为相关心理因素研究
4.Research on Minors Criming Again and Its Prevention Question;未成年人重新犯罪及其预防问题研究
5.Thoughts of Legislation of Preventing Recidivism Law;关于设立《预防重新犯罪法》的思考
6.As the overwhelming majority of criminals want to reform, only a handful of prisoners have been given additional penalties due to new crimes.由于绝大多数罪犯接受改造,只有极少数人因重新犯罪而被加刑。
7.Reoffending statistics look bleak worldwide, with more than 50 percent of prisoners committing crimes within five years of being released.全球重新犯罪的统计资料看起来令人失望,50%以上的囚犯在被释放后的五年内重新犯罪
8.This makes it unlikely they will return to crime because of lingering bad habits or lack of job skills.防止他们因恶习不改或生活无着落而重新犯罪
9.On Recommitment of Crimes--Analysis of Criminal Penalty;重新犯罪问题研究——主要从刑罚相关角度分析
10.A Study on the Repeated Crime Commissions of Juveniles and the Countermeasures Concerned;青少年重新犯罪问题研究及其预防措施
11.Research on the Problem of Repeated Criminal Offence Committed by Released Prisoners in Fujian Province;福建省刑满释放人员重新犯罪问题研究
12.Analysing the Criminal Reasons and Preventing about Reguilt Psychology;重新犯罪的心理归因分析及其心理预防
13.On the Socialization of Execution--Also on Prevention of Recriminalization in China;论行刑社会化——兼谈我国的重新犯罪预防
14.One who has committed a felony.重罪犯犯了重罪的人
15.From Cause Study of Committed Crime to the Study of Crime从“犯罪原因学”走向“犯罪存在学”——重新定义犯罪学概念
16."Many prisoners, on being freed, reverted to a life of crime."许多犯人一被释放,就重新开始了犯罪生涯。
17.The criminal was determined to cast off his old self and turn over a new leaf.这个罪犯决心脱胎换骨,重新做人。
18.Improving Quality is Base for Criminals to Reintegrate into Society;提高素质是罪犯重新融入社会的基础

Recidivism rate重新犯罪率
1.Recidivism rate in China have been rising steadily since 1980s and become significant criminal trency.上世纪80年代以来,我国的重新犯罪率上升问题很突出,成为犯罪发展的新动向。
3)Re-offending behaviors重新犯罪行为
4)An Analysis of the Recidivism Cause论重新犯罪的原因
5)prevention of re-crime预防重新违法犯罪
6)criminal news犯罪新闻
1.Contrastive analyses on legal problems of criminal news;犯罪新闻法律问题之比较

人民法院适宜管辖罪犯重新犯罪的职权人民法院适宜管辖罪犯重新犯罪的职权:人民法院发现正在服刑的罪犯在判决宣告后还在其他犯罪没有受到审判的,由原审人民法院管辖;如果罪犯服刑地人民法院管辖更为适宜的,由服刑地的人民法院管辖。正在服刑的罪犯在服刑期间又犯罪的,由服刑地的人民法院管辖。正在服刑的罪犯在脱逃期间的犯罪,如果是在犯罪地捕获并发现的,由犯罪地人民法院管辖;如果是被缉捕押解回监狱后发现的,由罪犯服刑地的人民法院管辖。――――《最高人民法院关于执行〈中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法〉若干问题的解释 第14条