1.Provisos and Non-provisos in Laws and Regulations;法律法规中的但书句与非但书
2.On the Functions of the Proviso in Article 13 of Criminal Law论刑法第13条但书的功能

1.This certificate was issued under the provisions of the proviso to section9.此证明书是根据第9条但书的条文发出。
2.I picked up the old book and it just came apart in my hands.我捡起那本旧书,但书却在我手中破散了。
3.He writes poetry but his daily bread comes from teaching.他写诗,但靠教书过日子。
4.But it was written a long time ago.但是这是很久之前的书。
5.But before I can publish your work,但在我出版你的书之前
6.You like tennis, while I'd rather read.你爱打网球,但我爱看书。
7.You said the books were on the desk but there were none there .你说书在书桌上,但那没有。
8.I wish I could remember the title of that book.但愿我想得出来那本书的书名。
9.Include the certificate chain but not the trusted root certificate包含证书链,但不包含可信根证书
10.Those books belong to the library but this is my own.那些书是图书馆的,但这本是我自己的。
11.The bookcase contains fifty volumes but holds a hundred.这书橱装有50册书, 但它能装下100册。
12.You can borrow books from the library, but you can't borrow one without a library card.你可以在图书馆借书,但是没有借书证就借不到。
13.It'll be mailed to you within two weeks, but you can borrow books on the temporary card.两周内会寄给您,但您可以用临时借书证借书。
14.I can' t call my book a best seller as such but it' s very popular.我不敢说我的书是畅销书, 但可以说很受欢迎.
15.However, the endorsee may not negotiate the rights on the bill by endorsement.但是,被背书人不得再以背书转让汇票权利。
16."Request a new certificate, but do not use the same key as the selected certificate."申请新证书,但不要使用所选证书的密钥。
17.B: I read everything I can get my hands on but I like love stories best.我拿到什么书看什么书,但最喜欢看言情小说。
18.You may be tired with reading, but you should not be tired of it.看书可能使你疲劳,但不应该对看书感到厌烦。

1.The mechanism of the decrimination of the thirteen of the criminal law code ,in order to find the mechanism of the danshu and constitute the mechanism, which is composed of the following seven section.刑法第十三条但书的出罪机制研究,作为探究但书的出罪机制和具体构建起出罪模式的文章,主要涉及七部分内容。
1.Provisos and non-provisos are easily misused though they frequently appear in laws and regulations.但书句”是现代汉语中表示转折关系的一种特殊句式,“法律但书”与“非法律但书”在现行法律法规中也运用得非常广泛,但运用中稍有不慎便会出现一些偏差。
4)special proviso特别但书
5)Daniel, The Book of但以理书
6)a provisory clause附文,但书
