补正,supplement and correction
1)supplement and correction补正
1.Based on the documents from 1986 to 2002,the list of supplement and correction to mosses in Hebei flora was compiled,142*!species,1*!subspecies,5*!varieties and 1 form were recorded.从1986—2002年,补正了河北藓类植物142种、1亚种、5变种和1变型。
2.Based on searching the documents from 1991 to 2000, the list of supplement and correction to vascular plants in Hebei flora was compiled, 108 species,23 varieties and 11 forms were recorded in this paper.通过检索和查阅 1 991— 2 0 0 0年中文文献 ,编制了《河北植物志》维管植物补正名录 ,记录河北补正维管植物 1 0 8种、2 3变种和 1 1变
3.After having published Ten Discussion about the Annotations of<Archaic Chinese> and A Supplement and Correction of Wang Li’s<Archaic Chinese>,the author gives a further supplement and correction of Chinese characters and phrases in this authoritative teaching book which are improperly annotated or not annotated at all.继作者《〈古代汉语〉注商》与《王力〈古代汉语〉补正》之后,再次对王力先生主编的《古代汉语》这部权威性教材中部分当注而未注、或注而未当的字词进行了补充纠正。

1.adding an omission or correcting an error in the written judgment,补正判决书中的笔误,
2.On Qian Zhongshu’s Huang Shan Gu Shi Bu Zhu钱钟书《黄山谷诗补注》对《内集注》补正举隅
3.The above-mentioned contents that may be supplemented shall be supplemented by the applicant once for all.前项可以补正之事项,应就全案一次通知申请者补正
4.The function of the system includes controling and monitoring of burdening and feed, compensating tue weight error of a batch and moisture error of coke.系统功能包括配料、上料控制、料批重量误差补正及焦炭水分补正
5.If the correction is not made, their request shall be recorded on the files.如果不予补正,应当将申请记录在案。
6.If the requesting person fails to meet the time limit for making rectification, the request for reexamination shall be deemed not to have been filed.期满未补正的,该复审请求视为未提出。
7.turns correction compensation匝数更正(补偿)值
8.compass compensation and adjustment罗盘自差补偿及校正
9.impedance compensator阻抗校正器阻抗补偿器
10.The company is actively recruiting new personnel .公司正忙于补充新职工。
11.repair an error, omission, etc修正错误、 弥补疏漏
12.that the boy was mending the health of a crack,汤姆正用这种药补裂缝,
13.remedy an injustice/a fault/ a loss纠正不公/错误/补救损失
14.Favorable supplement to informal channels非正式通路的有益补充
15.An Unofficial patch for the Legions mod.一个非正式的古罗马军团的修正补丁.
16.Please understand that this is not the final version of the patch, this is a Beta Patch.请了解这个只是测试版补丁,并不是正式版补丁。
17.Amends or reparation made for an injury or wrong;expiation.补偿为某一伤害或错误行为而做出的纠正或补救;补偿
18.Substitution or Complementation--Rural Formal Finance and Informal Finance on Condition of Incomplete Information;论农村正规金融与非正规金融的替代与互补

1.Supplements to The General Catalog for the Complete Library in Four Divisions;《四库全书总目》补正十则
2.The essay makes the discussion through examples on the problems of the omission in Songshu-Zhoujunzhi(Song Book-Annals of States)and makes a trial supplement for totally 33 items.本文举例讨论了中华书局本《宋书·州郡志》脱漏方面的问题 ,并试为补正 ,凡 33条。
1.An analysis of the amendment to quality dialectics by non-linear system theory;简析非线性系统理论对质量辩证法的补正
2.This paper,beginning with the basic conception of the invalid,cancellation and amendment of administrative action,explains the relation among them with simple analysis on the three theories to offer theoretical support for corresponding regulations.文章从行政处分无效、撤销和补正的基本含义着手,阐明了它们之间的关系,并对行政处分无效、撤销和补正的理论基础进行了简要的分析,为行政处分的相关制度的建立提供了理论支撑,用列举和比较的方法,阐述了国外有关行政处分无效、撤销和补正的规定,为我国相关制度的建立提供了法律基础。
3.The scholastic precursors have made a lot of amendments to these problems, and there are much more defects in the Eclectics Category of Zi Radical.现就杂家类杂纂之属存目部分有关编著者姓名、字号、籍贯、科第、仕履及著作内容等方面的疏漏和讹误,再补正30条。
1.Using Zhaocheng Jinzang (赵城金藏) , Songqi Shazang(宋碛砂藏) , and Daoxu-an s (道宣) other works, and Chinese historic material as testimony, this paper complements ten items of notes in Shijia Fangzhi(释迦方志).本文从词汇训诂出发,使用赵城金藏、宋碛砂藏等版本,结合道宣其他著述以及中土历史文献,对中华书局版范祥雍先生的《释迦方志》中的十条校勘提出了补正意见。
1.Rectification and Rethought on The Complete Plays of Yuan Dynasty;对《全元戏曲》的补正及反思
6)error correction正补
1.The error correction in the books from Henan Provincial library of Catalogue of Chinese rare books;《中国古籍善本书目》收录河南省图书馆藏部分书目正补
