1.To understand the mechanisms and find effective methods for preventing and treating strabismic and deprivation amblyopia during the development period.目的 :探讨敏感期内单眼斜视 (monocularstrabis mus,MS)和单眼剥夺 (monoculardeprivation ,MD)幼猫视觉系统中有可塑性变化的N 甲基 D 天门冬氨酸受体 1亚单位 (N methyl D aspartatereceptor 1 subunit,NMDAR 1)基因的表达规律 ,为临床防治斜视 (MS)和剥夺性弱视 (MD)提供参考依据。
2.The deprivation covers three domains,including economy,politics,and society.农民工剥夺问题易引发社会冲突,危及社会和谐,与当今我国落实以人为本的科学发展观,构建和谐社会的理念和具体部署极不相称。

1.divestiture:an act of divesting.剥夺:剥夺的行为.
2.relative deprivation theory相对剥夺说 相对剥夺
3.Causing deprivation, lack, or loss.剥夺性的使剥夺、缺乏或损失的
4.Deprivation of political rights is deprivation of the following rights:剥夺政治权利是剥夺下列权利:
5.psychosocial deprivation心理社会剥夺 心理社会剥夺
6.To deprive of a title, right, or item of property.剥夺剥夺某人的称号、权力或财产
7.To deprive of legal rights, powers, or privileges.剥夺权利剥夺法定权利、权力或特权
8.To deprive of a privilege, an immunity, or a right of citizenship, especially the right to vote; disenfranchise.剥夺权利剥夺…的特权、豁免权或公民权,尤指选举权;剥夺…的权利
9.He was stripped of all his possessions.剥夺了他的全部财产.
10.They stripped him of his rights.他们剥夺了他的权利。
11.They deprived me of my rights.他们剥夺了我的权利。
12.inalienable principles of human rights不可剥夺的人权原则
13.deprive of the oxygen necessary for combustion.剥夺燃烧必需的氧气。
14.They deprived him of his civic rights.他们剥夺了他的公民权。
15.They were deprived of their civil rights.他们被剥夺了公民权。
16.condemn by attainder.被剥夺财权或者公民权。
17.The aristocrats were divested of their property贵族们被剥夺了财产。
18.exploitive authoritative management system剥夺权威式管理系统

1.Deprived Nature of Urban Landscape in Waterfront and Countermeasures Study;城市滨水区城市景观“自然性”被剥夺及其对策研究
1.Nowadays in China,there are very few clear,completed and scientific regulations in deprival of guardian rights and supported rights;it also analyses the necessity and importance of establishing the deprival,guardian and supervising system.当前我国民事法律中还缺少科学完整的剥夺监护权和受赡养权的明确规定,应设置监护监督制度的必要性,同时在借鉴国外发达国家一些有益的做法的基础上,以完善我国的民事监护制度。
2.As one kind of the punishment against qualification, there is quite a lot of inappropriation in the punishment of deprival of political rights,and its name falls short of the reality,has too dense political tint,all of which lowers its value.剥夺政治权利作为一种资格刑,不仅内容存在诸多不妥当之处,且该资格刑刑名和其实际内容不仅不相符合,政治色彩也太浓,影响了其应有价值的发挥。
4)Deprive of剥夺,夺去
5)environmental deprivation环境剥夺
1.The article indicates that natural reserves are quickly increasing in number all over China recently is an environmental deprivation.近年来我国各地大量增长的自然保护区实质上是一种环境剥夺现象。
6)sleep deprivation睡眠剥夺
1.Effect of melatonin on sleep deprivation-induced gastric mucosal lesions in rats and the mechanism;褪黑素对睡眠剥夺大鼠胃黏膜损伤的影响及其机制
2.REM sleep deprivation induced expression of caspase-12 in rat cortex,hippocampus and medulla;快速眼动睡眠剥夺诱导大鼠皮质和海马及延髓caspase-12的表达
3.Effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive functions;睡眠剥夺对认知影响的研究进展(英文)

剥夺剥夺deprivation  剥夺(deprivation)心理学里对有机体丧失了必需的生存条件的描述。如在动物实验中,控制动物的摄食量或摄水量,甚至不给食物或水。在儿童研究中,用来描述儿童丧失了受母亲抚养、照料和爱抚以及正常的母一婴交往的生活条件。它会使儿童无法形成安全的依恋,产生冷漠、抑郁或敌意,影响整个心身的发展。 (刘金花撰份于芳审)