1.It solves the security problems of interception, interference, forgery and replay, which endanger the messages delivered among computers in a cluster.它解决了在构成集群的各个计算机之间传递消息所面临的被窃听、篡改、伪造和重放的安全性问题,独立于具体的下层网络协议,消耗系统资源少,并且具有可动态配置的优点。
2.Forgery contains forgery which consists of corporeal forgery and immaterial forgery and alternation which also includes corporeal alternation and immaterial alternation.货币犯罪的法益既包括国家的货币发行权,又包括货币的公共信用;货币犯罪中原则上,伪造既包括伪造也包括变造,伪造既包括有形伪造,也包括无形伪造;变造既包括有形变造,也包括无形变造;刑法总则第十四条关于犯罪故意的规定决定了货币犯罪行为人对“货币”的性质均应当明知;持有假币罪过重的法定刑设置违背了持有型犯罪的法理。
3.Forgery and alternation in the crime comprise visible forgery,visible alternation,invisible forgery and invisible alternation.伪造、变造国家机关公文、证件罪侵犯客体是文书的证据机能。

1.falsify records, accounts, etc伪造记录、 帐目等.
2.False Sensory Input. You falsify one of the subject's senses.伪造感觉:你伪造受术者的一种感觉。
3.To make an imitation for criminal purpose伪造,为犯罪目的进行伪造
4.One who fakes or produces fakes.伪造者或制造假货的人
5.The Counterfeit and Forgery Division had another successful year in combating counterfeit credit card activity, the counterfeiting of currency and the use of forged travel documents by illegal immigrants.伪钞及伪造文件组在打击伪造信用卡活动、伪钞和非法入境者使用伪造旅游证件方面再创佳绩。
6.Money, especially counterfeit money.伪钞钱,尤其指伪造的钱币
7.a) Forgery of the waste-testing certificate;(一)伪造废弃物检验单的;
8.forge a banknote, will, signature, etc伪造钞票、 遗嘱、 签字等.
9.Donald is force to forge a signature.唐纳德被迫伪造签字。
10.not fake or counterfeit.不是虚假或者伪造的。
11.in a false and spurious manner.以虚假、伪造的方式。
12.He confessed the letter a forgery.他承认那封信是伪造的。
13.The Forged Coupon and Other Stories伪造的证券及其它故事
14.tipping machine [counterfeit credit card]熨金机〔伪造信用卡〕
15.He confessed the letter (to be) a forgery.他供认这封信是伪造的。
16.using a forged credit card;使用伪造的信用卡的;
17.He forged a signature and cashed the check.他伪造签名兑了支票。
18.He used snide oils knowingly.他故意使用伪造的油。

1.On the Concept of Responsibility for the Writ Forgery Crime——on the basis of the writ forgery crime prescribed by Taiwan criminal law;我国台湾地区刑法伪造文书罪之探讨——以台湾地区刑法伪造文书罪章为研究范围
2.The objective aspects in crime of defraud of securities manifest a few defraud actions,such as using forged or deformed treasure bills and other securities issued by the nation.有价证券诈骗罪在客观方面表现为使用伪造、变造的国库券或者国家发行的其他有价证券进行诈骗活动,其行为有伪造、变造、虚假权利质押、恶意买卖、冒用、空买空卖等不同的方式,犯罪使用之物也包含虚假的地方政府债券、金融债券、国家有价证券、外国有价证券众多形式,颇为复杂。
3.Only when the act of forging or altering securities is committed, and the securities forged or altered are enough to mix the false with the genuine, person can complete principal crime.伪造、变造国家有价证券罪是指自然人或单位以流通或者使用为目的,伪造、变造国库券或者国家发行的其它有价证券,数额较大的行为。
1.Comparative Research on the Use of Counterfeit Note;在犯罪对象上 ,外国认为是伪造、变造的硬币、纸币或银行券 ,我国认为是伪造的货币 ,不包括变造的货币。
1.The forging of crime of forging and reselling valuable ticket doesn\'t include the transforming unless judicial interpretation makes a clear-cut regulation,and the reselling means who knowingly buy the forged valuable ticket cheap then sell it at a higher price.本罪中的"伪造"不包括变造,除非司法解释做出明确规定。
1.On the identification technology of the forged digital photos;浅析伪造数码照片识别技术
2.Detecting the forged IP source address of DoS/DDoS attack under IPv6;IPv6下DoS/DDoS源地址伪造攻击的检测
